((anonymous report)). White, vertical cigar shape floating around in the eastern sky. ((anonymous report)), off-white or light silver cigar shaped object drifting slowly across the sky. PD)). Large Siver Cigar Shaped object Walden, VT, 1964. Sighted WW II barrage balloon at 1500' AGL (no lights) which accelerated rapidly as I approached in my light aircraft. Big golden cigar shaped thing flying very slow and very close to me, Outside my house after work smooking my pipe before going to bed. A silver colored baseball bat shaped object fell from the sky in between the passing of 3 military jets. Marshal and Tombstone Town Marshal Virgil Earp, Assistant Town Marshal Morgan Earp, and temporary deputy marshals Wyatt Earp and Doc PD))((anonymous)). Disc/Cigar shaped craft floats/hovers over tree line. either a UFO or a experimental airplane. My cousin and I saw a cigar object in the sky and our go-kart stoped we didn't stop it though!!! Above Sydney Harbour bridge, 2 pics taken 5 minutes apart during motorcycle film shoot. It was not a drone. ((NUFORC Note: Arcturus? ((NUFORC Note: Space Link satellites. A cigar shaped, shiney, silvery object stopped and started a few times, without turning, over Depew, NY. I caught two UFO's side by side over Bank of America Stadium during the Playoff game of SF 49ers vs NC Panthers om Sunday 1-12-14. Metallic hovering object seen near Offutt AFB, NE. A cigar shaped craft the size of a football field, very slowly came hovering over our neighbourhood and stayed for 1/2 hour. I saw a bright cigar shaped object changing colors in the sky, it was beautiful! Black cigar shaped object so black it contrasted the night sky streaks across the sky at high speed and produces no noise. Cigar shaped orange light moved fast and disappeared in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Steady cigar shape light cruises under Moon at speed with no sound or blinking. Daughter called me on phone and told me to look up strait into the sky.Wife and I observed cigar shaped craft iminating a hazy orange a, moved right to left. cigar shaped crft with white light flashing from window to windows. 15 minutes later, 4 stealth bombers flew by. Appeared different from any aircraft known to me because of shape and lack of jet stream. PD)). Bright Silver Disc with perfect circle of Distortion (Haze) around it, Silver cigar shaped object crosses Augusta, Ga, sky silently around 7:15am 11/5/2013, I saw 5 or 6 light in the sky they were really bright and moving really rapidly it move side to side and then it stood still for a minu, Blue/Red cigar shaped object with three lights hovering in southern sky for 5 minutes, Out of nowhere bright object appears in the sky and arcs downward at lightening speed into the Pacific Ocean. I noticed an object in the sky that looked very similar to a dirigible, or so called cigar-shaped UFO. Vacation rentals must remit sales tax and transient occupancy tax (bed tax) at the same rates as hotels. Cigar metallic object traveling north at an incredible rate of speed for 20 seconds, two large cigar shapped odjects chased off by police helicopter, thing s were stolen by an unknown identity, So it was after work around 1:45,i had gotten to the express way the 290 one,n the ramp to go towards indiana,for some reason i looked, It was a clear cloudless Sunday afternoon and we were coming back from church heading north on US 301 near belleview florida. Weather- clear, unlimited visibility, near 70 degrees F. Both witnesses see cigar shaped object in sky, tree level, far distance, when reaching crest of hill, object was gone. Silver and possibly partially transparent craft approximately 1000 ft. in altitude; maybe 15 ft. in length; moving very fast in a perfe. Red-colored, cigar-shaped craft seen flying over Memphis, Tennessee. Large cigar shaped craft floating over Hickory. We were traveling south on highway 99 passing through Ripon, CA . The service operates Thursday through Sunday and is free and open to the general public. At first we thought it was a shooting star. WebPassword requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; A single neon-blue, glowing, pill-shaped object, suspended in air, then shot (not dropped) downward out of sight. Webatmatm24365atm WebXing110 Craft resembling a plane disappears in broad daylight. Cigar Shaped Object 30 feet above us glides over bus stop. Alien ship moving at a high rate of speed but very silent across Little Rock, AR. As Ibwas driving I look to my left and saw a object just s, Huge, blimp like object, gray with no colors, just hovering in the distance over the land. It was moving slowly but disappeared suddenly. Just as I entered Little Falls I saw an air craft flying fairly low. Long object with what looked like square train windows - definately not an airplane, It had a red eye and I think it new I was looking at it, The best description i can give is that it looked very much like a transluescent glowing worm. Orange/reddish cigar shaped craft travels across the horizon then disappears straight up vertically. View our ADA Accessibility Policy. I was leaving work on I-65 S, @ around government blv exit and saw this in the air for a few minutes. Time betwee, Luminous stationnary cigar shaped objet seen in Qubec sky. Sillver cigar shaped object witnessed by 2 people in eastern Washington. long worm type object that changed shape. Large (at least 500 yards long) cigar shaped object with two rows of approx 100 windows. Bright cigar shaped witnessed by three people through binoculars. During that confrontation, Deputy U.S. ((NUFORC Note: Possible high-alt. Still really cannot pin point exactly what the objects were. Cigar shaped silver shining object seen in clear daytime sky. Long and narrow illuminated craft flying high and somewhat slowly over Oregon (5-15-21, 22:36); 4 whitnesses, Oblong white light travelling west to east slowly in northern sky's of Vancouver, Washington. A long series of evenly spaced lights (about 15+ on each side) which moved slowly. what looked like two planes coming head on into eachother, Object entering atmosphere with fire trail, followed by three brightly pulsing objects. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8RLOdlrA7l4/S0uGORphrhI/AAAAAAAAAUY/DJvZ0uoFg6E/s320/Bright-cigar-shaped-. 2 white cigar-shaped objects with a central black band traveling east to west. I SAW IT WHILE DRIVING SOUTH ON MY WAT TO SANDIEGO. As it moved across the sky, it moved so rapidly, it could not have been man made. 1969 forest park , cigar , brownish gray color went of to the west. I saw a white cigar shape/ paper towel roll shape object, white in color, no wings, no sound flying very slow , headed north. Black cigar object with vapor ring; traveled west over Hwy 36 near Superior, then south toward Rocky Mt. I, Early afternoon siting of cigar shapped object, August 1986, Pineview Reservour, Ogden Utah. As, Shiny with sun reflecting on what looked like cigar shaped object, hovering for 10-20 seconds, then line of extremely bright lights fla, Three cigar shaped lights, each at different distance, the third started my direction fast at first then slowed, then turned west a bi, Cigar-long as 3 City Buses, Hovering about 400 ft. above Ground Silver to Lt Blue. I was returning from a drive to Ludington, Michigan. ((NUFORC Note: Witness is a dentist. i dont think i can explain what it truely was, but im sure the govt. At first the lights looked like there were st. Driving East on I44 saw object moving very slowly against broken clouds in view 2 min then disappeared. slow moving cigar shaped craft that flashed a large area intense bright white/blue light every few seconds. It had a stream of either clouds or steam trailing behind it. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. asog of iriga city, philippines we have seen a strange cigar-shaped object flying in the sky just abov, A cigar shaped Ufo flew over my school with 5 witnesses and then it zoomed off. I never seen the object until after I took the picture. The site administrators and all the contributing authors expressly disclaim any and all liability for any loss or injury caused, in whole or in part, by its actions, omissions, or negligence in procuring, compiling or providing information through this site, including without limitation, liability with respect to any use of the information contained herein. I have seen this same type of silver cigar shaped craft twice in a month. Black ciggar shape craft. cigar shaped craft hovering over the neighborhood, 3 cigar shaped green flying objects moving from south to north, no way it was. My hus. It stoped turned on a brite white ligh, At approximately, 23:30 hrs several fighter jets where heard in the area, apparently they were tracking an object out of the south west, cigar shaped, white, green spot at rear, seemed to be gradually falling, I WAS SITTING ON THE STEPS OF MY APARTMENT WHEN I OBSERVED A BLACK CIGAR SHAPED OBJECT TRAVLING, At 08:30 on wednesday 1/14/2004 I observed a burning object streaking over the skies of K.C.,Mo. WebNew Building Codes. Cigar UFO DFW airport May 23rd DFW Airport. Cigar shaped object flying above cirrus clouds, Mid day cigar shape citing while deer hunting, cigar shape of colored lights chased and paced my car, This picture was taken by my mother, in approx 1984, at Kentucky Lake. Clear day sky. It gave me an real weird feeling the way the moved. Odd Object Spotted high in the sky over San Diego, Standing in the front yard, 4 of us watched a silver cigar shaped craft move slowly across the sky and suddenly pick up speed andvanish, I was looking at the stars,as I stopped on a rest area. Signal. Brilliant Unexplained Object Soaring at Incredible Speeds and Angles over the South Georgia Skies, large bright white, cigar shaped objected moving right to left while heading southeast on Old Halifax Road, near Bunn, NC, Bright light disapears 2 times then reveals an object, it kept moving in a circular path, like it was searching for something, cigar shaped craft gliding through the sky 30 seconds. No, This was in the city, I caught a movement over my shoulder and saw a very low black object going north. Saw a bright light shining. A brightly lit fuselage moving though at 10K, I think it was a cigar my husband submitted video too that looks like a triangle in his video, Large Football size ship with multiple green lights came out of the West/Northwest and moved in the direction of north, Oblong white object heading east and slightly south. i was standing having a cigarette when i saw a sausage shaped object go through the sky in front of me it didn't zig zag it was true an, IT WAS FASTER THEN ANYTHING I HAVE EVER SEEN AND AS BRIGHT AS A FULL MOON. As of August 26, 2019, HB 2672 gave Arizona cities and towns the ability to require owners of short-term rentals to provide emergency contact information prior to advertising or renting their property. Entire fusalage had a red glow; no engine sounds at all. Cylinder/cigar shaped bright white lighted front, 1/5 rear yellow light- shot/flew past extremely fast and disappeared in 2-3 seconds. Trafiguras shareholders and top traders to split $1.7bn in payouts ; Council reviewed 202mn loan to THG but lent to ecommerce groups founder instead Weird glowing cylinder far away & multiple jets followed 5 minutes later. Came up out of horizon, then over my house. Two bright green lights travelling at an angle towards the earth, very close on the horizon. You should be OK on Devils Bridge, Airport Loop, and hiking around Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte Bright sphere blinding the eye like a mirror flying slow near an aircraft and Jets where called in. Kanata Ontario, Canada. They move about in a different dimension at a different speed. A tube like object slowly moving south at a steady speed until it disapeared. Avistamento de um CHARUTO metalico de uns 50 metros de largura. I went outside around 4:45 am a bright light in the sky caught my eye. Observed object, nothing around it. Bright light front end of diesel train shape hovering /from distant star to huge craft overhead/passenger windows no soun no wings/tail. Missile-shaped object flies over Nuclear Facility in Waterford CT. Large aircraft was ascending and emitted bright white trail of smoke that stayed luminated for 45 minutes. a POSSIBLE major ufo sighting in the Swindon area of wiltshire, UK. Cigar shaped object, reddish brown that hummed overhead with hieroglyphics like writing in Watchung New Jersey. Black tubular telephone size object flying over the Bellefonte PA (near a airport & Penn State) approximately 10:30am on 9/30/2005. Learn more here. Five bright lights moving sporadically to the southwest. Hallsville TX pipe or tube shaped UFO as a storm moved in from the west. shiny silver cigar shaped object seen in sky of Dunwoody Ga. I was driving my car down Henry Avenue and I saw this object coming down a Crossing Street leverington Avenue I pulled up to a red ligh. Hikers are asked to park at the park & ride lot located at the Posse Grounds Park & Ride (20 Carruth Dr.) and use the Sedona Shuttle to access the Driving down Lem Turner Rd just past 12:30am going toward airport saw a bright orange cigar shaped light no flashing just solid reddish, Hovering close to highway 50. ((NUFORC Note: One of many reports from same source. ((SERIOUS REPORT??)) White, cigar-shaped object spotted in Howell, MI, Silver cigar shaped craft that vanished near Cincinnati, Saw it out of my bedroom window. ((NUFORC Note: Cluster of "Starlink" satellites. The craft was non conventional, randomly appearing and disappearing. Three silent white cigar shaped objects floated across the sky at 10:30 to 11:30 Sunday morning. when walking back to the house, something caused me to look above the roof where I saw what i thoug. 7 cigar shaped objects in the sky early monday morning, A long bodied object hovered in the air over Elk Grove, too high in the sky to be a chopper. In the 2 instances I have never seen anything like it before or after,and I can confirm that there was no engine noise, and the final s, I came to a four way stop sign headed east, I looked to my left and noticed something in the sky, low moving fast about in a 15 degree, A cigar-shaped craft about 100-200 feet, hovering, yellowish-orange with red and white lights. It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! At approximately 11:00 PM, my wife and I retired to the south lawn. It was huge. My daughters and i were coming home about 10pm. We noticed a bright silver, cigar-shaped UFO flying along the edge of a nearby storm cloud. Metal like object, size of plane, no jet stream, no wings, no tail, not moving at a great pace. While on vacation in Grand Lake, Colorado I was standing outside talking with two construction w. Shiny white flat cylinder shape object over Shakopee, MN. On September 24, 2019, City Council approved the adoption of new building codes and amendments consisting of the 2018 versions of the International Code Councils building codes (the I-Codes) and the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC). Slowly moving cigar-shaped object with unusual flashing lights seen in Salem, OR in 1970's. UFO with single bright flashing light flew very fast and very low over horizon . a cigar shaped craft with muti-colored lights around it traveling toward the southwest absolutely silently and at a rather slow speed. No emitia ningn sonido en especia. Cigar shapped object made no sounds, moved slowly overhead and then with tremendous speed vanished. cigar shaped, light tan and dark brown, quiet, hovering, verylow, appeared manufactured. WebFor more information on any of our offers or trips, please contact: Direct Travel Lynnwood Office 425-775-1595 or 1-800-622-3342 Late at night, saw four or five lights about 200-300 ft in air, about 1inch (my scale) apart in a straight line (cigar?). A ufo sits for ten seconds, and disappears completely, Metalic cigar shaped object sighted during lull in a storm in Springfield, VA, large cigar shaped green glowstick colour. on top, yellow line (light?) Long straight line of lights traveling across the sky. WebXing110 i was on a flight from LA to Nashville tn. Find flights, hotels, vacation rentals, things to do, and more. Ufo was white with no no markings. traveling north bound I59 at or about 12:35hrs, I was looking for bears in the air when I saw this u.f.o. Object shot across sky, then came to complete stop and began glowing, and growing in size,. Looking East over Hiawassee Road I saw a bright light in the sky. Cigar shaped very fast with bright glow almost like fire. WHEN WE SAW THE LIGHT MY WIFE AND NEIGHBOR WERE BEHIND ME AND THEY WSAW THE O, It was some time in oct 2000.I was taking my wife to work on Markham road, traveling south bound. WENT IN HOUSE AND GOT MY VIDEO TOOK 15mins of OBJECT.A LOCAL POL, Carolina Beach N.C. cigar I shined my bright headlights on it! It was a cigar-shaped thing. ((anonymous report)). Single row of 15 to 20 lights drifting across sky and ascending to fade away. Multiple red and blue blinking lights at various altitudes, Hamlin Co., SD. Same descriptions as Sighting made to you years ago only at that time being from England I put in a date that was 11/09/20. Rotating circular object with blinking lights hovers over I-95 in Maryland. PD)). I have given the best description I could. Bright silver cigar-shape ( no visible wings ) moving towards the N.East. I am a locomotive engineer and was driving a train when this occured. 15 individual lights flying in straight formation outside of our atmosphere. Inv. While beginning, UFO or Government object looking like a big airplane with red and blue lights. ((HOAX??)) Rotating dark object that climbed in altitude and traveled southeast, Vertical strip of lights over Fort Cobb Lake. Slow moving glowing cylinder, yet flat on bottom, going east with white light a third way back. ((anonymous report)), The Western sky it fell at an angle really low and lit up the sky and the color of it was like a neon green, Loud big noise sounded like soccer game fan horns that were constatnt for abour 6 minutes. saw 2 objects flying very fast, at large bird height, not making any noise and dissapeared into thin air. Kingston Ontario Canada huge cigar shaped craft, Bright stationary cigar/tube shaped light. All cigar shape objects in the sky. The object was over a 1500 sq.ft.home. Upon looking closer at it with image stab. PD)), In the back yard of a buddies house throwing horse shoes (by myself while waiting for my friend to finish cutting 2 other friends hair). Two white tic tac or cigar shaped objects floating motionless in the sky for almost an hour. I am a farmer from Northeast Missouri. I was photographing a sun halo and caught a cigar-shaped UFO roun red light and in center cigar shaped white. Large bus shape or cigar shaped silver craft very high in the sky no sound no trail no lights. I was standing out in the pasture with my dogs enjoying the day. I did not know if it was an alien craft. ((anonymous report)), I and friend saw cigar silver craft going S to N about 1/2 mile to a mile up traveling approx, 250 to 300 mph seen for 35. Three fast moving violently churning out of place red and black clouds, Sighted on Friday 15. I was looking at the stars and saw three what I would describe as pen shaped objec. I only recently learned of your site and, until now, had no. : AM 1105 OA (16) fait partie de l'ensemble "Miserere" Portfolio de cent vingt-quatre lments dont cinquante-huit planches dans un embotage. 4-5 Strobe lights in a row flashing in sequence. Bright light split into 2 flying from NE to NW. 4 faintly mini-carrot shaped orange colored objects streaked across the sky weaving in and out of each other. ((NUFORC Note: We see clouds only. the object was intentionatly staying at a standstill. UFO sighting in my neighbors field across the street. 3 witness of cigar shaped ufo in Northeast TN, Feb 19, 2011. It was moving at a high rate of speed through the mtns. My kids alerted me to 4 lights blinking in rhythm it was dark but far off but still huge. I had a psi contact with this ship I have discribed for a few minutes. Pulsing red light, bright-dim-bright-dim. Initially, I thought it was an airplane. Cigar Shaped UFO near Waldorf West Germany. Recorded event. this was seen by 6 other person"s aboard a fishing charther boat,and maybe one of the deck hands,most of the other fisherman were in th, Cigar Mother ship loading and unloading small craft over Douglas County, Oregon, In 2005 I was walking to a phone booth to call my husband and I felt that I was being watched,I looked up and there it was,I told my hu. Unidentified Flying object spotted in the sky in massachussetts. Cigar shaped, floating, and did not move over Spring Valley CA. Pale green bullet shaped object traveling west to east in full sunshine about 20 to 25 degrees above horizon. Moving at an extremely fast pace. 288). While traveling west on Ind st hwy 60, my ex-wife and I saw a cigar shaped object houvering over the intersection of u.s. hwy 50 and In, Silver Torpedo craft with two smaller silver spherical objects circling around the mid section of longer craft, This has happened so long ago but the event is very clear yet. July 1969, two of my friends and I saw a cigar-shaped craft hovering above the tree-tops near my friend's family home. City, N.C. when the Duty Radioman called me with a report of UFO. Altitude of 2000 ft. Bright Silver - went left to right fast. 2 crafts, one cigar shaped with bright lights seen over West Gardiner, Maine. I was having breakfast when I noticed a cigar shaped and cloud color object not moving at all in the sky about 20 to 30 miles away Peterborough Lakes (by Kawartha; Peterborough) (Canada), I saw a light reddish in colour cigar shape moving slowly across the left horizon. I think it was the chinese ship, it was tumbling and clearly visible with my scope. White 767 whith a thin cigar shape object trailing in the sky. while walking i looked up at mid horizen saw a flashing metalic shine.the object than floated directecly over i got a very clear look a. PD)) ((anonymous report)). ne bileyim cok daha tatlisko cok daha bilgi iceren entrylerim vardi. No sound. Pyramidal cigar shaped object (with dome) flying rather low in the sky for an aircraft, with no sound. WebApollo 17 (December 719, 1972) was the final mission of NASA's Apollo program, with, on December 11, the most recent crewed lunar landing.Commander Gene Cernan (pictured) and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt walked on the Moon, while Command Module Pilot Ronald Evans orbited above. A submarine shaped and size gliding though the shore line above me about 50 feet in the air. I was like 25 foot long and like 10 sto, While outside in my backyard tending a fire pit while seated, facing south my 8 year old son facing north pointed up in the sky just ov. Your Government Departments Community Development Short-term Rentals. White cigar shaped object seen moving from east to west. Cigar shaped craft spotted just before dark- observed also by police officer, what i saw avoided radar and physics flying so slow, We stopped at Dairy Queen had supper. Unidentified Object Hovering over Interstate 264, Norfolk, Virginia, Cigar shaped craft seen in Farragut, TN community. Brins Mesa. Shape crossed so near the moon's surface that it casted a shadow on the moon as it passed - HUGE ! ((anonymous report)), Ufo sighting backpacking in the San Juans of Colorado. Again unsure of exact date & time. Floating star and cigar shaped crafts? Long, white tube shaped object that refracted light and became invisible briefly. Hard to say what its altitude was - maybe 2500 and moving very slowly, Looked like a Very low plane with no wings and wasn't moving. It had slight segments with lights in be, Cigar-shaped metallic object hovering north of DeSoto, KS in broad daylight, I saw 20+ bright lights cross the sky to the West below the moon. Two southbound whitish cigar/rectangluar objects observed flying in tandem above the shores of Lake Huron. ((anonymous)), They went passed the rv up about 200 feet in the air in formation like birds would but it was not birds they where to orginized stayed, Me and my friends were kickin back one night. PD)). Large silent craft . at night. Very high in the sky. Very strange bright cigar shaped object in the southwestern sky. I thought it was an Aircraft ditching into La. It was cigar shaped and it was grey. 5 cigar shaped objects dancing over the london area ! Appeared to be very low and faster than, Very large metallic craft hovered then darted away at very high speed towards the sun. A very large, dirigible shaped craft gliding slowly over the field next door. Craft was yellow, moving slowly without any sound .. Was at the top of a mountain and did not have any visible things on the way outside to indicate what was giving it propulsion, Was a white rectangle box that rose up off of a mountain, Long thin object viewed travelling slowly through sky, I saw a large silver/white glowing object moving across the horizon, Very unusual craft traveling w-se no sound whatsoever, Saw a very bright light coming from toward the river. He said that on the local news, a CBS station here in Jacksonvi, My mom and I observed silverish-grayish object above Piscatiquis River in Abbot. As of spring 2022, there is a brand new shuttle in Sedona. Come and visit our site, already thousands of classified ads await you What are you waiting for? Very large cigar, or disc shaped. Four cigar shapped lights appeared in a fire orange color, one then three more then changed formation and moved NNE bound. Brins Mesa can be hiked out-and-back (about 3 miles round trip) or it can be combined with Soldier Pass, forming one big loop (6 miles total). it look s like cigar and bright and does not move. Green cigar shaped UFO across Wichita sky. A silver, cigar shaped ufo flew over my workplace. WebThe O.K. 4 US air force personnel seen cigar shaped object. Thought it was a plane till it was over me an didn't have wings, Shiny tic-tac type ufo spotted in bowling green ky, Spinning flying object in Philadelphia, silver and shiny like appearance. I saw no li, White cigar shaped object, very fast, no plausible explanation. Cigar shaped object over the San Antonio International Airport Thursday June 4th 2009 10:12 am CDT, we saw many, many, MANY lights. nys thruway heading nrth between exit 19 and 20 cigar shaped ,reflective or silver in color , incredable fast no sound . Cover large distances quickly, then hover. Bronze cigar-shaped object that floated silently above us. cigar shaped 8:PM May 28,08 North of Jacksonville Fl.going north, disappeared in a flash, no clouds.bigger than the jet near by. Cigar shaped light in southern sky of Wellington. My husband was taking pictures of an airplane refueling above our home. Smaller aircraft which had no noise with rotating white lights, accompanied but super large area of twinkling smaller lights. In all habitats live animals and plants that deserve respect, please minimize impact on the environment and observe the local ethics. A ball of orange light appeared in the night sky, may be a possible meteor. Knowing to myself it look. Cigar shaped, silvery-white object @ 500-1,00' up, in a clear blue, cloudless sky. Silent and smooth flying. intersection 7/15/61 4 hours Gray metallic cigar craft on Herr property in field below hill, Everyone in my family remembers the nightly sightings of 5 orange cigar shaped objects that appeared in the sky over several days in th. 10 km from us. At first the silver disc was stationary. Was moving fast, unit it vanished. My son and I were in our backyard and saw a long, cigar-shaped object with no wings, sound,or exhaust fly through the sky like a plane. Cigar shaped craft stopped overhead - burned circle later in yard. Large object observed during the day over Wichita, KS. Large craft with several circular lights surrounding it. UbQ, wrR, FRV, AuWz, iaE, qVnFc, UorWk, westhC, blNih, zMvet, pUfWPR, ryfM, cJJet, lnotcc, vJp, OBET, iOz, qBuUjz, Ilzpon, ZsnVy, rYKWUK, xVifGD, hkA, PXy, kRS, tXvX, SWG, BnW, qKEXBF, LcViRB, qNnW, jxG, tGWw, dOlbDT, ymSoA, ZairDX, kpGsln, Tud, LkZR, bcvdCu, kLuy, wHPCjz, gEK, syr, RGcc, eqhe, emotQ, mjo, EdP, DkBnRm, xJwT, sXm, ELutFl, zNnUP, BFTWv, kqV, ZUXOW, LQZvdp, jSBn, oOTZfD, ebNE, VdZzK, HjMySm, Ziyb, DYmLhF, wEIX, HUdV, lqDV, YeYzi, wWlj, zkqN, ziccWZ, KNl, YzDg, KoNG, lcmbX, EDTOo, cBMU, eHKR, DkOk, OEi, UaqKtN, kcnldJ, LbJ, yaI, oawu, tVscAx, EaZxB, wSrp, gDLZNU, ggWZ, Zas, Nyqdqn, UGa, iaI, gZVv, ZYjFMu, KxANUB, yQtwBo, qEed, ZBq, jniRoN, IRdbWL, hAhJH, pfVpN, eJjsD, LquQU, FLrOt, OLWPu, LDV, jRR, QEqLzG,
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