The ROS API used to get times ros::Time time = ros::Time::now() will retrieve time data from the /clock topic rather than using the system clock. rviztf msg header/stamprosnode(OLD_DATA); ActionClientstampActionServerActionSerermsgmsgstamp I met the same problem, but in the 'rostopic echo /apollo/sensor/gnss/best_pose'. lego-loamrun.launchbag Is energy "equal" to the curvature of spacetime? (what does this mean??). bagtruefalsewalltimelaunchlaunch 1:rosparam set use_sim_time true. In other words, How can I extract the frequency (in Hz) of a topic inside a rosbag? Why is apparent power not measured in watts? How does legislative oversight work in Switzerland when there is technically no "opposition" in parliament? But we find out that there's NO message under the corresponding ros topic(ie. What is this fallacy: Perfection is impossible, therefore imperfection should be overlooked. . bagtruefalsewalltime, Note: On the PR2, the odom frame is named odom_combined. run.launch/. ROS. [ WARN] [1576311065.082263288]: /use_sim_time set to true and no clock published. Applied @FantasticMrFox's suggestion to add closing slash. link Comments Christoph Jun 11 '13 ) Ok. How does the Chameleon's Arcane/Divine focus interact with magic item crafting? rosbag play -l 2020-09-21-17-27-20.bag 1. Also helpful is the documentation regarding the ros clock: You only need to set the /use_sim_time (note that it is in the root namespace) parameter once, and all your nodes will start using simulation time. Here is an example of how to run it on the example bag: roslaunch tagslam sync_and . SMAL SLAM 2. Something can be done or not a fit? Still when I fire the node on machine 1, time stamp starts from zero which is sim_time. Could not find library corresponding to plugin rosbag/NoEncryptor, ROS no message published on a topic when I played a rosbag. Please read, If you need to set it from a launch file, you can use either the
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