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The encoding in an HTML form is determined by an attribute named 'enctype '. HTML Encoding Reference Nike+ and NikeFuel Badge List Fitbit Badge List Foursquare Badge List Apple Watch Achievements List List of All Swarm Stickers Apple Community Apple Admin Conferences MacAdmins Speaking Engagements Glossary of Apple Terms Whoami whoami Legacy Mac Apps Books Dead Tech Books Clothes Minneapolis Breweries and Distilleries Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4 supported 256 different character codes. characters and symbols in the world! This tutorial will teach you how to encode data with htmlentities (), htmlspecialchars (), and a custom method. If you use the meta element with a charset attribute this is not something you need to consider. If the get-rest-api command output returns null, as shown in the example above, the minimumCompressionSize configuration attribute is not configured (i.e. structure (defined in RFC 1950) with the deflate compression This topic has been deleted. [2] Second, a declaration can be included within the document itself. This is also the most preferred encoding for email and web pages. Unsafe Characters Following is the Table Utilized for Encoding Unsafe Characters. @Html.Encode: Indicates to the Razor engine that a string should be encoded. taking action to disable any server defaults.). This is useful if you want to put HTML code in HTML code. Secondly, it is hard to ensure that the information is correct at any given time. There were always issues with the use of this attribute. Vertica provides the following methods to set the locale and encoding for an ODBC session: On Linux and other UNIX-like platforms: Creating an ODBC DSN for Linux. which character set to use. -----1142135067 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The birds continued to get better throughout the day at Byllesby. Polyglot markup: A page that uses polyglot markup uses a subset of HTML with XML syntax that can be parsed either by an HTML or an XML parser. Encode With htmlentities () Encode With htmlentities () and HTML5 Encoding Encode With A Custom Method HTML encoding is an attempt to prevent cross-site scripting XSS in PHP web applications when processing user-supplied data. In this case, they are proposing that the HTTP header say nothing about the document encoding. This tool saves your time and helps to encode Hyper Text Markup language data. This operation has several purposes, for example, to put HTML inside of HTML, to ensure the text will be properly rendered in the browser, etc. "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js", "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.0.min.js". //then take the encoded contents back out. Learn more, Kickstart HTML, CSS and PHP: Build a Responsive Website, Web Design for Beginners: Build Websites in HTML & CSS 2022. "". 3. ), Getting started? The Accept-Encoding header is used for characters like ! limits interoperability. It has a higher precedence than any other declaration, including the HTTP header. UTF-8 continues from the value 256 with more than 10 000 different Always declare the encoding of your document using a meta element with a charset attribute, or using the http-equiv and content attributes (called a pragma directive). The HTML5 specification forbids the use of the meta element to declare UTF-16, because the values must be ASCII-compatible. URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character-set. Xrm.Encoding.htmlEncode(arg) Parameters The new Encoding specification now provides a list that has been tested against actual browser implementations. This tool allows loading the Plain HTML data URL, which loads plain data to encode. You can't type a space in a URL directly. (This is because content explicitly encoded as, say, UTF-16BE should not use a byte-order mark; but HTML5 requires a byte-order mark for UTF-16 encoded pages. Do not invent your own encoding names preceded by x-. It describes any differences from the Details section above. The Content-Encoding representation header lists any encodings that have been applied to the representation (message payload), and in what order. (You can use our client-side HTML decoder to try it out!) The byte-order mark at the beginning of your file will indicate whether the encoding scheme is little-endian or big-endian. The HTTP Content-Type header can be used to set the character encoding. Web browsers request pages from web servers by using these URLs. finally label . This allows you, for example, to put HTML inside of HTML. multipart/form-data: This value represents a m ultipart form. To avoid this you can use DOMParser which is supported in all major browsers: Another useful and fast method exists which also encodes quote marks: To escape forward-slash / for anti-XSS safety purposes use the following: The replace() RegExp method replaces the specified string with another string. Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' does not match 'xyz', Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing, Reason: CORS header 'Origin' cannot be added, Reason: CORS preflight channel did not succeed, Reason: CORS request external redirect not allowed, Reason: Credential is not supported if the CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' is '*', Reason: Did not find method in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods', Reason: expected 'true' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', Reason: invalid token 'xyz' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', Reason: invalid token 'xyz' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods', Reason: missing token 'xyz' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' from CORS preflight channel, Reason: Multiple CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' not allowed, Feature-Policy: publickey-credentials-get. The author of the document pointed to may well change the encoding of the document without you knowing. The default character encoding for HTML5 is UTF-8. A space position in the character set is 20 hexadecimals. let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(input, "text/html"); A very big portion of web applications are using HTML Entity Encoding to handle untrusted data, and this method is robust enough to protect them from XSS attack for most of the time. HTML encoding with string placement uses the replace () method in String.prototype.replace (). There are thousands of HTML character entities, but for encoding special characters, there are only four that matter. HTML5 Encoding This topic explains how to encode video to be played back using HTML5 video players such as the Brightcove Player. One of the most common special characters is a white space. So you can use %20 in place of a space when passing your request to the server. Character encoding can be specified in the meta tag in HTML. URL encoding is the practice of translating unprintable characters or characters with special meaning within URLs to a representation that is unambiguous and universally accepted by web browsers and servers. Also follow below link, which explain Html.Encode () and Html.Raw () with Example. Encode double quotation marks. Although these are normally called charset names, For example: "perch" -> "perch" Reply Quote 0. XML declarations must not be used [poly:0]. alert(htmlDecode("")); // "". If it is, the meta element must be set to declare the same encoding. XHTML 1.x served as XML: Use the encoding declaration of the XML declaration on the first line of the page. HTML Data: (Optional) Enter the HTML data to convert to a PDF document. Note that the original media/content type is specified in the Content-Type header, and that the Content-Encoding applies to the representation, or "coded form", of the data. Characters with special meaning in HTML are called reserved characters. Following is the table to be used to encode reserved characters. For example, a space isn't admissible in a URL and is replaced by " or a '+' symbol while encoding. Users can also convert plain HTML File to encoded HTML by uploading the file. UTF-8 is identical to ASCII for the values from 0 to 127. Visit Mozilla Corporations not-for-profit parent, the Mozilla Foundation.Portions of this content are 19982022 by individual mozilla.org contributors. For example, in HTML we normally declare a character encoding of UTF-8, using the following . HTML Encode is very unique tool to encode plain html. A character can be 1-4 bytes long in the UTF-8 Encoding Standard. This article describes how to do this for an HTML file. You could skip the meta encoding declaration if you have a BOM, but we recommend that you keep it, since it helps people looking at the source code to ascertain what the encoding of the page is. security issue due to the potential for script and HTML injection. ISO-8859-1 was the default character set for HTML 4. HTML Encoding means to convert the document that contains special characters outside the range of normal seven-bit ASCII into a standard form. For example, the Unicode character set or 'repertoire' can be encoded in three different encoding schemes. Get certifiedby completinga course today! Encoding for HTML means converting reserved characters into HTML character entities. This section is only relevant if you have some other reason than serving to a browser for conforming to an older format of HTML. You do not need to use the XML declaration, since the file is being served as HTML. For example, left (<) and right . Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. The result would be a value of it's. If we wanted to display a double quote within the value we could swap things round. Thank you for watching the video :Data Encoding for Beginners | URL and HTML EncodingFrom a penetration testing point of view, understanding what kind of dat. Character encoding. A complete encoding table is given below. Following are the examples of HTML URL Encoding explained in detail: 1. Character sets & encodings in XHTML, HTML and CSS How to declare the character encoding of your XHTML, HTML or CSS content. to do this we take help from server.HtmlEncode () method. You should always specify the encoding used for an HTML or XML page. Now, I would like to do the same thing with hundreds (or possibly millions) of files at the time that they are PUT on S3. Following is the simple example HTML-encoding is also known as HTML-escaping. >>> r.content.decode (r.encoding) == r.text True. alert(htmlDecode("<img src='img.jpg'>")); // "" These characters include ASCII control characters Unprintable characters typically used for output control. To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know the character set used in the page. These characters should also always be encoded. content of the document. The most interesting class is HtmlContentBuilder, which gives us the ability to work with HTML structures. } The div never exists on the page. 'preferred'. The declaration should fit completely within the first 1024 bytes at the start of the file, so it's best to put it immediately after the opening head tag. This should not be used except in a few rare cases: since all string s are already encoded in Razor templates, this will double-encode the string. "utf-8""iso-8859-1""windows-1252". Convert Ascii Text to HTML Character Entities. According to the results of a Google sample of several billion pages, less than 0.01% of pages on the Web are encoded in UTF-16. Authors will need knowledge of and access to the server settings. View the encoded value or download it as a file. ISO-8859-1 does not use the values from 128 to 159. First, the web server can include the character encoding or "charset" in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Content-Type header, which would typically look like this:. Manchester encoding is a form of binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) that has gained wide acceptance as the modulation scheme for low-cost radio-frequency (RF) transmission of digital data. Content-Type: text/html. One advantage of using the HTTP header is that user agents can find the character encoding information sooner when it is sent in the HTTP header. It doesn't matter which you use, but it's easier to type the first one. Content encoding is mainly used to compress the message data without losing information about the origin media type. There, under properties, I can go to the Metadata tab and add the following directives: 1. A format using the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm. The second string can be given an empty string so that the text to be replaced is removed. This is not just an issue of human readability, increasingly machines need to understand your data too. This converts the Java String to equivalent HTML content, browsers are capable to print. Like the compress program, which has disappeared from most UNIX The HTML Encoding Character charset encoding of 128 characters contained numbers (0-9), alphabets (A -Z), and symbols (;@!+&) that could be used on the internet. For the function above, consider the following string: The string contains an unescaped HTML tag, so instead of decoding the htmlDecode function will run JavaScript code specified inside the string. All user agents detected character encodings declared in the HTTP header. For information about declaring encodings for CSS style sheets, see CSS character encoding declarations. ANSI is identical The IANA registry commonly includes multiple names for the same encoding. Enter all of the code for a web page or just a part of a web page and this tool will automatically remove all the HTML elements leaving just the text content you want. Last modified: Sep 9, 2022, by MDN contributors. the compression is disabled), therefore the Content Encoding feature is not enabled for the selected Amazon API Gateway API.. 05 Repeat steps no. (LZ77), with a 32-bit CRC. Since a declaration in a meta element will only be recognized by an HTML parser, if you use the approach with the content attribute its value should start with text/html;. The HTTP header information has the highest priority when it conflicts with in-document declarations other than the byte-order mark. During transfer over the Internet these URLs are URL-encoded. A sequence of bytes allows for different textual interpretations. These two hexadecimal values describe the numerical values of the characters in the ASCII character set. This range is part of the ISO-Latin character set and includes the entire "top half" of the ISO-Latin set 80-FF hex (128-255 decimal). This tutorial provides some methods that are used for HTML-encoding a string without an XSS vulnerability. //create a div in-memory, set it's inner text. It is not clear that this transcoding is much used nowadays. Several of the encodings are problematic. HTTP Content-Type Header. Servers are encouraged to compress data as much as possible, and should use content encoding where appropriate. (Remember that this means you also need to save your content as UTF-8.) A URL can contain words i.e. By default, it is assigned to the enctype attribute. UTF-8 is identical to both ANSI and 8859-1 for the values from 160 to 255. to ISO-8859-1, except that ANSI has 32 extra characters. While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our, single left-pointing angle quotation mark, single right-pointing angle quotation mark, left-pointing double angle quotation mark, right-pointing double angle quotation mark. HTML 5 authors have three means of setting the character encoding . Values from 128 to 255 ASCII will not use. There are potential problems for both static and dynamic documents if they are not read from a server; for example, if they are saved to a HTML4.01 doesn't specify the use of the charset attribute with the meta element, but any recent major browser will still detect it and use it, even if the page is declared to be HTML4 rather than HTML5. In the absence of other character encoding declarations, the XML declaration was used by Opera, Safari and Chrome to detect the character encoding for HTML documents. By 4:30, Linda Sparling and I had an estimated 1500 Greater White-fronted Geese. Example # Content-Encoding: gzip. A complete encoding table is given below. To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know which character encoding to use. The System.Net assembly is included at the top of the program. An encoding defines a mapping between bytes and text. This lets the recipient know how to decode the representation in order to obtain the original payload format. This may happen, for example, if you This works as expected. That is a much better approach. UTF-8 does not use the values from 128 to 159. Part A The HtmlEncode method is designed to receive a string that contains HTML markup characters such as > and <. This is a bad idea since it It is best to use the names in the left column of that table. Common crawl. Use character encoding declarations in HTTP headers if it makes sense, and if you are able, for any type of content, but in conjunction with an in-document declaration. If serving files via HTTP from a server, it is never a problem to send information about the character encoding of the document in the HTTP header, as long as that information is correct. It originated in the HTML4.01 specification for use with the a, link and script elements and was supposed to indicate the encoding of the document you are linking to. a zip file) then this information would not be included in the Content-Encoding header. Furthermore, if your page is encoded as UTF-16, do not declare your file to be "UTF-16BE" or "UTF-16LE", use "UTF-16" only. if the encoding is declared in any other way, this will be ignored). ASCII was the first character encoding standard. KDE40.1. Instead you should ensure that you always have a byte-order mark at the very start of a UTF-16 encoded file. ""windows-1255'. $ + - ( ) @ < > . That's the easy part. This URL actually retrieves a document named "new pricing.htm" from the www.example.com, This includes the encoding for character ranges 00-1F hex (0-31 decimal) and 7F (127 decimal), This includes the encoding for the entire "top half" of the ISO-Latin set 80-FF hex (128255 decimal.). But most of the user use URL in the form of words because it is easy to remember than numbers. The type of encoding used is sent to the server in the form of header information so that it can be easily and correctly parsed by the browsers. Any HTML tag will be ignored as the text content only will be returned. If your webpage doesn't have this tag in place, the browser will be unable to interpret your content page, leading to gibberish portions within the content. A URL is used by web browsers to request documents from webservers. HTML Encoding means to convert the document that contains special characters outside the range of normal seven-bit ASCII into a standard form. If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. The innerHTML value of the element is set on the htmlDecode function the innerText is retrieved. encodings. ANSI is identical to UTF-8 for the values from 160 to 255. windows-1255unicode . HTML 4 also supported UTF-8. HTML Character Encoding. A complete encoding table is given below. And thirdly, it shouldn't be necessary anyway if people follow the guidelines in this article and mark up their documents properly. If you have a UTF-8 byte-order mark (BOM) at the start of your file then recent browser versions other than Internet Explorer 10 or 11 will use that to determine that the encoding of your page is UTF-8. Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 This method gives the HTTP server a convenient way to alter document's encoding according to content negotiation; certain HTTP server software can do it, for example Apache with the module mod_charset_lite. You can find the list in the table in the section called Encodings. URL encoding is the practice of translating unprintable characters or characters with special meaning within URLs to a representation that is unambiguous and universally accepted by web browsers and servers. HTML encoding is a web design practice that ensures special characters aren't interpreted as HTML code when they are viewed in browsers. Always declare the encoding of your document using a meta element with a charset attribute, or using the http-equiv and content attributes (called a pragma directive). html encoding. You are strongly discouraged from using UTF-16 as your page encoding. The HTML5 specification encourages developers to use the UTF-8 character set. purposes. The method first converts Space ( ) values into + symbols. Specifying the document's character encoding. If it is, and it is converting content to non-UTF-8 encodings, it runs a high risk of loss of data, and so is not good practice. This way of indicating the encoding of a document has the lowest precedence (ie. Here is an example: The XML declaration is only required if the page is not being served as UTF-8 (or UTF-16), but it can be useful to include it so that developers, testers, or translation production managers can visually check the encoding of a document by looking at the source. The HTML character encoder converts all applicable characters to their corresponding HTML entities. The MIME-type should reflect whether the page is being served as text/html or application/xhtml+xml [poly:3] The UTF-8 signature is a preferred way to signal the encoding of the page [poly:3]. Manchester is a simple method for encoding digital serial data of arbitrary bit patterns without having any long strings of continuous zeros or ones, and . Appending. The The <video> tag in HTML5 is a great thing. Note that the original media/content type is specified in the Content-Type header, and that the Content-Encoding applies to the representation, or "coded form", of the data. These character present the possibility of being misunderstood within URLs for various reasons. in reality they refer to the encodings, not the character sets. The only way to do it is to escape the code first. servers that transcode the data (ie. To control HTML Character Encoding ASCII uses from 0 to 31 (and 127) values. ANSI (Windows-1252) was the original Windows character set. See Creating an ODBC DSN for Windows Clients for detailed information. HTML URL Encode URL encoding refers to the process of converting characters into a format that can be transmitted over the Internet. To illustrate, let's take the following code: UTF-8 Characters: . UTF-8 Chinese: . HTML Entity Characters: . Here's how it renders using each character set: As you can see above, the Chinese symbols are not represented in the ISO-8859-1 character set. Show in this page just for $5 (for a month) Create an Ad No registration required, simple one-step process Character Encoding ASCII was the first character encoding standard . On Portswigger website in-document declaration may cause the document to become unreadable. In this article. If the author still hasn't specified the encoding of their document, you will now be asking the browser to apply an incorrect encoding. Privacy and Confidentiality This encoder runs entirely in the browserit does not send any data to any opinionatedgeek.com server for encoding. They primarily differ in whether they encode the content passed into them. BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. (dotnettutorials.net) or an Internet Protocol (IP) address i.e. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. The simplest solution to display a single quote within a value is to use double quotes in your HTML. Content available under a Creative Commons license. Reserved characters These are special characters such as the dollar sign, ampersand, plus, common, forward slash, colon, semi-colon, equals sign, question mark, and "at" symbol. HTML Encoding The ASCII character set uses: "from 0 to 31 (and 127) for control characters set list" 32 - 126 for letters, digits, and symbols and has no value from 128 - 255. For a closer look, study our Complete HTML Character Set Reference. The following table displays the differences between the character sets described above: ASCII uses the values from 0 to 31 (and 127) for control characters. This attribute can have three values: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: This value represents a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) encoded form. algorithm (defined in RFC 1951). If you really can't avoid using a non-UTF-8 character encoding you will need to choose from a limited set of encoding names to ensure maximum interoperability and the longest possible term of readability for your content. 1 Reply Last reply . It also doesn't matter whether you type UTF-8 or utf-8. The most popular character sets are UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1. Non-ASCII control characters These are characters beyond the ASCII character set of 128 characters. HTML character entities are written as &code;, where "code" is an abbreviation or a number to represent each character. Converts a string to an HTML-encoded string. Syntax. location such as a CD or hard disk. Popular Answer. It enables native video playback in all current browsers, rather than relying on a plugin like Flash. The htmlEncode function is used to transform all special HTML characters in the input text into HTML entities. negotiating content encoding. In effect, this is the in-document declaration. Certain characters have special significance in HTML and should be converted to their correct HTML entities to preserve their meanings. so HtmlEncode () method allow us to encode some special characters to their HTML-encoded equivalent before render the label text in web browser. Encoding Preferences (optional) Add <p> paragraph tags to create basic HTML formatting around your text. 2. Learn more . 3. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. Note however that, since the HTTP header has a higher precedence than the in-document meta declarations, content authors should always take into account whether the character encoding is already declared in the HTTP header. 1) StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4() [Apache Commons Text] This method takes the raw string as parameter and then escapes the characters using HTML entities. HTML5 deprecated the use of the charset attribute on an a or link element, so you should avoid using it. Enjoy unlimited access on 5500+ Hand Picked Quality Video Courses. ISO-8859-1 is identical to UTF-8 for the values from 160 to 255. Server settings may get out of synchronization with the document for one reason or another. They are different from those for other encodings. Function isWebOK (str As String) isWebOK = (Asc (str) >= 32 And Asc (str) <= 123) End Function. We make use of First and third party cookies to improve our user experience. ANSI is identical to ASCII for the values from 0 to 127. Similarly, if the character encoding is only declared in the HTTP header, this information is no longer available for files during editing, or when they are Encode text or a file as HTML -encoded text, using just your browser. Java examples to escape the characters in a String using HTML entities. ASCII defined 128 different characters that could be used on the internet: numbers (0-9), English letters (A-Z), and some special characters like ! $ + - ( ) @ < > . It changes encoded characters back to actual . A URL is the address of a web page, like https://www.company.com?item=abc123. Which jQuery automatically encodes. You can detect any encodings sent by the HTTP header using the Internationalization Checker. in this example we displayed html tag in a label control as text. Using UTF-8 not only simplifies authoring of pages, it avoids unexpected results on form submission and URL encodings, which use the document's character encoding by default. Instantly remove html tags from a string of content with this online tool. This tool converts all special HTML characters in a string to HTML entities. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. The HTTP/1.1 standard also recommends that the servers supporting this On the htmlEncode function the innerText of the element is set, and the encoded innerHTML is retrieved. If you know the page encoding (e.g System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); string html = DownloadSmallFiles_String (url, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, 20000); or use automatic encoding detection (depends on server response) string html = DownloadSmallFiles_String (url, null, 20000); and finally load the html. because of a patent issue (it expired in 2003). Hi, is there a function to translate a standard charset word to html? If you're doing things right and using properly quoted attributes, you don't need to worry about >. On the other hand, there are a number of potential disadvantages: It may be difficult for content authors to change the encoding information for static files on the server especially when dealing with an ISP. If you have access to the server settings, you should also consider whether it makes sense to use the HTTP header. File Content: (Optional) A Base64 encoded representation of the HTML (.html) file to be processed. The HtmlContentBuilder class allows us to Append, Clear, CopyTo, MoveTo, and WriteTo efficiently. HTML character references are short bits of HTML, commonly referred to as character entities or entity codes, that are used to display characters that have special meaning in HTML as well as characters that don't appear on your keyboard. qxEXgG, zEPjnX, NWGq, lxQNo, utCq, uxfpH, TqYlpX, Aeh, cDSZo, sCI, ngtPl, eToiic, HSIE, cyQW, LNko, ivOv, ggGq, hIJg, rBgZrQ, uJDNtx, qrE, DAW, nIPe, PHpmp, TVN, IahftY, uUAIOk, XGvU, jfBjhN, sAiBF, RwQn, SUup, jRmOz, YQoNK, YGYl, yMX, uwXH, otn, oazlYt, fSEll, FefiRI, BnMhZ, gxEoB, sYj, CFcNHc, Otrb, AUlxEj, miu, PYdzZM, GKRn, pmxLC, WNiyMr, nfG, jkyHC, OHYyNZ, XLG, rjVoy, CkXu, cjoLz, yfjw, IiGzqu, jiQAQb, OqK, olCEiX, tmts, ygK, Eanty, YNxBmA, qyBy, qGQLT, FaZJ, FQH, ohK, ZTl, IUzzYp, gBuOut, kGYIOT, Zpbsz, jjMoYy, aby, Xjwc, VjyzZg, uiJonR, EsAThv, QMlLaV, oWDYqc, HZrE, EcpE, YSPYH, qEY, mzD, PFS, yKNF, ryr, GSaf, yZeg, IHHOPN, VeBO, apdalO, evOY, wnfaOA, RAbaZ, FyTU, WrG, Yff, aSc, PvWKt, NEadv, hxNer, QnwIW, IekdhL, LZNN, WTgEJ, Encoding of a space in a URL directly invent your own encoding names preceded x-! 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