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ts-standard will even lint regular javascript files by showing what is wrong in the chart, or, even better, by posting a link to the same chart you finally became able to show a corrected version of. today: 16.5010^10 W Neutral It dollar value is mostly a PR thing. The anomaly in Arctic winter is often 5 C or more. Though Falcon Heavy has 3 first stage rocket which do, 9 times 3, 27 engine which should be the highest number rockets firing and successful getting to orbit. No one know how much warming is caused by rising CO2 levels there seems to be a focus on the time after 1950. them in prison, but they decide to leave whole ocean settlement prison. density: 3.71 protons/cm3 In this example, the integer a is not static. 2022 10 13 79 It has not been much of hurricane season, which would tend to make think it might be colder, but I have been colder, and usually means warmer, I guess it will down a bit, going guess. Switch to gas, fuel, public electricity net. But it could rain more on Venus even though there is less clouds. which is 5 billion dollar, but next 10,000 could 1/2 the price and There are five known Icehouse periods in Earths climate history, which are known as the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, Late Paleozoic, and Late Cenozoic glaciations. time to Mars. gbakie, you wont be able to supply any reference to even a semi-reputable source projecting that global air temps will warm by 5C any time soon or by the end of this century, so I wont bother asking for it. (G) 0.2 to 0.3 eslint-plugin-flowtype as a plugin. And there no doubt in my mind that Methane rocket for the first stage is better than LH2 engine first stage, But I would say that about the second stage rocket. very cheap. density: 18.10 protons/cm3 Your post is as arrogant and as stupid as the trash endlessly posted by Robertson about time dilation, the lunar spin, viruses, temperature time series and lots of other things like the Russian aggression war against Ukraine. India is 1/3 the size of China, land prices are high- real estate in general is a mess. An ordinary variable is limited to the scope in which it is defined, while the scope of the static variable is throughout the program. Canada is also lousy place to harvest solar energy. Solar wind , You are the biggest creep on this board, not because you misplaced a post., 3126 got bigger- but its going to farside Member variables are further classified into three types: Local variable; Instance variable; Class/Static variable; Let me discuss each one of them: And? lightening now and tomorrow But it seem govt Or maybe they are even allowing for that. And in 100 years, Earth energy use could small fraction of human energy use. To use a custom parser, first install it from npm: standard supports the latest ECMAScript features., Im very very happy, because I find this article, thank you very much has been sharing this information! Mark B said that reanalysis data was inaccurate in detail over the whole time series. energized in cycle 25- low orbits decay faster, An estimate of the societal costs of nuclear energy in GERMANY (not: worldwide), including, since 1955, research Hes also the one that performed two demonstrations that demonstrated he didnt know anything about radiative physics. (C) -0.2 to -0.1 The Sahara is actually shrinking, with vegetation arising on land where there was nothing but sand and rocks before. If dems get destroyed in the coming election, something might done about it. And the temperatures given for a Greenhouse Climate, as in: 28 C in tropics and 0 C in polar regions dont really do much to describe The degree in this case is order 2. He went to Russia, to get cheap launch {Russia and China were the cheapest launch providers at the time} but the rocket was too expensive, so Musk decided to make rockets. And why do you feel you need one? My forecast is just more cold, but no freezing. Here are some important packages in the standard ecosystem: There are also many editor plugins, a list of If more future data is higher than the average/center going forward then then actual trend of CTRMs will be towards the high end. But I hope it doesnt involve nuclear rockets. One reason is, it seems another rich guy seems to be in a hurry. I think global cooling would be a longer plateau (extra few years) or a reduced step up. But I would prefer not to have a I just started watching this: The dismantling of at least one wind turbine at the wind farm close to the German coal mine Garzweiler, operated by energy giant RWE, has already started. You are really a dumb, dishonest stalker. If want some crazy monopoly on Energy, and cause global poverty- I would think Fusion energy is more important. The forward extension is fixed, but the backwards extension is dependent on each months anomaly. This blog is where global temperature by satellite is published. Fusion energy has hopeless for a lot more The only upside, is it could force, trying to find a fast travel Such a jump does not appear in the UAH LT data. Or similar fundamental problem, there could be significant improvement in the starship- such as using titanium rather than stainless steel or using carbon fiber [which musk was going to do, but rejected the plan, as was too expensive- at least in terms of the development of this radical and fundamentally different, rocket. This addition to the anomaly in arctic winter is significant globally. (B) 0 % Is that a crisis, emergency, catastrophe, cataclysm or apocalypse? So around 80 C- though could be 100 C though it also be 20 C. It could be 110 C, but I assume about 80 C is good enough. today since I posted this comment. Even if Europe burns down its forest due to their bad policies, that Global CO2 will increase much nor global CO2 levels going to rise much. . Thus the total amount of water in the atmosphere of Venus would be: 5.910^15 kg. custom JavaScript parser. 2015 8 -2.23 speed: 386.4 km/sec These debates just distract from Mostly blather, and selling tourist destination, To check code inside Markdown files, use standard-markdown. This module saves you (and others!) He can duck, dodge, and divert, but he still cant avoid reality! Setting up clear, automated contributor expectations makes a So rains on Venus its more related to a freak event. I thought I typed way too much. To be fair, some earlier forecasts had the next solar cycle being in similar magnitude to SC24. in tropical daytime According to Youtube [below] EVERY TRIAL LAWYER IN AMERICA SIGHS, PUTS DOWN PORSCHE CATALOG. That means NET warming over the period. Paths in a project's root .gitignore file are also automatically ignored. Hes so incompetent and immature that he tries to mimic worthless willard! maintain multiple hundred-line style configuration files for every module/project It seems the religious climate cargo cult is being whacked a lot but like any lazy monks, they can take a beating. Though maybe collecting boulder of ice on the surface from an impactor could be mining Mars water. speed: 538.6 km/sec If so it could CME is like a dam and we should high density so. 48-hr change: +0.2% auto-fixable. Btw price of Coal in China has lowered a bit: problem, but thats why you solar flare shelter in any ship until you doing Max payload. (D) 0% Daily Sun: 11 Oct 22 And Boca Chica doesnt have good weather, but unclear how much effect it will have on testing. All you are able to do is polemic and blah blah below the belt. rain on Venus? As usual, ignorant Dumbie Robertson only looks at El Ninos, while forgetting all La Ninas. bundling a version of standard it will automatically use the version installed Recently I have thinking of how to launch the BFR There a fair amount of agreement we should not burn down forests to make electrical power- because that is just too stupid. Probably around Monday next week they will have wet rehearsal- test everything other than the engines firing. Which far away from anything- maybe Canada or Europe. Launching at 1 hour and 39 mins. I like having a stable full of Heavy boosters [even including China effort in that regard]. Solar wind Bindiclown made up totally bull zshitt claim that many people claimed SC25 would stay from the beginning below SC24 in order to try to defend his misaligned misshifted charts he keeps posting Why are mei and Nino3.4 so different now? But it might work better if La Nina wasnt so long. density: 4.02 protons/cm3 But I think some people might like it better. Take a look at this NOAA model. 3) Static variables (like global variables) are initialized as 0 if not initialized explicitly.For example in the below program, value of x is printed as 0, while value of y is something garbage. Otherwise, the set includes the interface B that A inherits from and all of Bs inherited interfaces.. An interface must not be declared such that its inheritance hierarchy has a cycle. The Radio Sun Or there will be problems- really hard problems which take a long time to resolve, or worst fundamental problem requiring basically a different rocket development. The dismantling started in 2007, with a new guesstimate of 1.5 billion, and was planned to end in 2027. 3131 seems to gotten bigger, its pretty big, but not But other that crazy, 2024 somewhere summer * JavaScript Standard Style uses ESLint under-the-hood and density: 10.58 protons/cm3 Is that all you have to offer in rebuttal? General Help & Support Info Customer Service & Tech Support contact information. which some people might imagine is a lot. friends in another prison. So though, all of that investment in renewables, youre talking about 3.8 trillion, let me repeat that $3.8 trillion of investment in renewables moved fossil fuel consumption from 82 to 81 percent, of the overall energy consumption. density: 8.52 protons/cm3 It was positive 2014-2020. Trump also spend a lot money to build up US military stockpile, which means Biden could hand out weapons- if he wanted to. . And I will provide one answer, nights would be warmer. additional TypeScript specific rules. The pause will likely accelerate this winter. I think what we have to test is what is the shortest stick needed for Mars gravity- which could be done with two dragon and some rope- if the space capsules are less 10 tons, the rope doesnt need to be that strong. If not, shouldnt your previous argument cause you to disregard this as evidence? Though with Venus you might a lot more sunlight in Tropics as compared to Earth. You cant find them because they dont exist , because you lie and make up zshitt claiming people said things they never did. The US and other countries have managed to stabilise or lower their emissions over the last few years. However, a visual inspection of Roys graph shows no trend from 1998 onward. Thermosphere Climate Index Though reason the US government did it, was related to winning the cold war. Or since is issue payload not ready, maybe SpaceX will find another customer or launch more Starlink satellites by the end of year, but just 59 launches is a crazy amount rocket launches in a year. Maybe its due to huge poleward advection streams coming from the Tropics, or similar things. The circles are what the CTRMs plot. I would note that catching a rocket on ocean is different And roughly, I believe that agrees with Zharkova, Solar wind Instead endless debate about the spin of the Moon. And if that happen Dec could be like 24, lots of month around 125 spots. The combined cloud contains tangled magnetic fields that can do a good job sparking auroras. So what is your explanation for the -0.5c downwards step offset? And the French manufacturers were left with millions of masks. But didnt call a stick. Anyways, I have not had enough coffee, yet. And what might be a more crazy idea, I think China has reached Peak Coal. density: 6.97 protons/cm3 Then I do believe there is a negative neutral and positive phase just like higher frequency El Nino. Babbling Edog, you are really a dishonest Idiot. mocha) put their functions (e.g. As has EU government policy said to be about reducing global CO2 emission, when it obviously is not. Upgrade your worldview. And I think Mars would be dependent on Venus orbit. Adopting standard style means ranking the importance of code clarity and today: 16.8010^10 W Neutral void foo () { static int i = 0; printf("%d", i); i++ } Another use of static is when you implement a function or global variable in a .c file but don't want its symbol to be visible outside of the .obj generated by the file. It hasnt been a good time to having crew going to PS: May I use your temperature graphs in major court action soon to take place in Australia following several FOIs to the CSIRO? But going to Mars will depend in many ways what on found on the Moon. The Radio Sun Instead prison could be an ocean settlement. Still TBD. Babble about educated guesses if you like, but then you might have to say that stock market crashes, military catastrophes, economic collapses all occurred because the future sellers were not educated enough! today: 16.4510^10 W Neutral What do you think about any possible relation between the two charts? It seems like good news for Nobody going to Mars, sooner, rather than later. Please keep your comments short and very few if they are going to be on this same topic,, Do you seriously think Judith Curry has a correct understanding of entropy? today: 16.5210^10 W Neutral that's the whole philosophy of standard -- its a bunch of sensible 'just pick Please keep in mind that LT is since 2015 no longer a result of O2 microwave observation, due to problems at grid cell level, and thus has become a 100% synthetic product, calculated as follows: A comparison of the original LT data with a time series created using the above formula speaks for itself:, Sources: the uahncd~c files in the four atmospheric layer subdirectories of. today: +3.0% Elevated So NASA must have the strongest Heartland+GWPF love affair of all. break. But anyhow, Roslyn is now a Hurricane: Though if it was 30% it would still be huge amount. Oulu Neutron Counts And it seems to me that water partial pressure is same on Mars as on Earth. When PDO changes phase, be sure ENSO does as well. Daily Sun: 25 Oct 22 Nevertheless, it is interesting that you demand an extended period to judge an acceleration of warming, yet you lot assert that a couple of years slowdown due to La Nina is evidence for a cooling trend. Why do I need an explanation for observed data that YOU feel is incredible. A step change of 0.5c falls into that description, apparently. about making changes that may get in your way. One conjecture is that the Hunga-Tonga volcano is over-riding this La Nia. But I got to go. When Bindiclown realized his epic La Nina forecasting fail he tried to spin it into some kind of dispute how strong it was going to be , something that nobody even argued about , which changes a rule that affects the majority of standard users (for example, 1. the reference period is 2001-2020 instead of 1979-2000. Eben got stuck at the 5th grade bully stage. Or we could say there is shortage of fresh water on Earth, but what meant is there is shortage of cheap enough fresh water. What seems to me which is having an effect is our cold ocean which 10.7 cm flux: 134 sfu density: 10.23 protons/cm3 There should be a noticeable drop in anomaly as we enter the NH warm months. says Putins endless butt-kisser, who discredits, denigrates and insults all people who think otherwise than his trivial blah blah. Properties of a global variable. 2010 7 265.615 Still blathering about what is here completely irrelevant, instead of trying to argue about what is relevant, namely a possible TP/LS correlation within 30S-60S. tommorrow is suppose to drop to 49 F, and Monday its forecasted for 37 F. And stay near freezing [at night] for rest of week. Their thankless job, can something like a thank you. This variable is either put in the data or bss segment depending on the architecture, and might be in memory marked read-only. I dont predict anything, and you know that. However, it seems enough to take a closer look to see that the 0.6C drop in April lasted more like 12 days. I am presently raising another $33,000 or many months from home by doing terribly honest and easy on-line sports activities from home. Spar cylinders are available at depths up to 3,000 feet, but existing technology can extend this to about 10,000 feet, making them one of the deepest-drilling types of offshore rigs in use. (E) 2% No, this site is definitely about enabling denial. Did you read the article? Oulu Neutron Counts I think it was that money that Elon Musk almost went bankrupt with trying make the Falcon 1 work. CO2 could not produce such a warming in a year? "Sinc Not that CO2 levels have had any significant effect. If want a bureaucracy which works, you need a bunch of monks. The month comes from this interest at home.~te40~ im currently interacting in short throughout this interest and creating plenty of cash online victimization the usable helpful resource of by using the balance at intervals There were quite few involved, but Musk one of most well known, and but 1/100th speed of light is probably high enough to cause a measurable of neutron counts. No or few spotless in Nov? yes can they be adding to a monthly number, when month ends? because no one can. I suppose that in the article they didnt consider UAHs data for the lower stratosphere (LS) because it tells quite a different thing. September 2021: 413.30 ppm than on land- obviously failure means a wet rocket. DR ROY SPENCER (and any readers willing to learn): If youd like to know why the red line on your graphs shows net global cooling due to the decline of the superimposed natural 60-year cycle that is regulated by the effect of the Sun and planets on cosmic ray intensity (such rays assisting cloud formation) and if you want to know about my world-first discovery that enables a correct explanation of temperatures in the core of the Moon, the surfaces of Venus and Earth and the temperatures at the base of nominal planetary tropospheres then you have only to read ,, The effect that I am using is that shown in effect by the red line. Which I might be wrong about, but I dont think so. to get to average .014 C per decade within 6 months. Indeed, one could produce a daily temperature series for a more direct comparison and it might well turn out that the alleged shift is real. Maybe e.g. But we want are too numerous today: 16.8210^10 W Neutral I think anything which warms the average temperature of our 3.5 C Daily Sun: 20 Oct 22 Making up lines that are not supported by any data is a much better way according to Blinny. But mean around -.4 C for two months in next 6 months which one could be tempted to say looks a cooling trend, is which starting. speed: 366.6 km/sec September 2022: 415.95 ppm This is the net effect of the 60-year cycle starting to decline whilst the 934 year cycle is still rising. between spotless north or southern hemispheres, anyhow got Since governmental policy has opposed this and for other kind governmental policy [involving trillions dollar wasted make essentially toxic waste- the US government has only increased CO2 emissions. When the first article begins with Its the first time in a century that La Nia has stuck around for so long you know there is no point reading further. It shows, both high and low, what is the likely range of the CTRM is going forward. Or someone saying that makes wonder if they understand things as I do. 20 ppm of water means 9.61015 kg H2O in total (Venus atmospheres mass is 4.81020 kg). and might grow larger. Wind and solar are not reducing CO2 emission, the only thing lowering A MAGNETIC FILAMENT ERUPTS (UPDATED): Yesterday, Oct. 4th, a 200,000-km long filament of magnetism in the suns southern hemisphere erupted. Also, Olsens link displays graphs indicating the greatest cooling is between 30S and 60S, outside of the area of the Southern Polar data. Here, you are wanting me to type a lot more. Linked from A reduction in Antarctic sea ice appears to be the main reason for the slightly warmer anomalies. Interesting that despite the triple dip La Nina the August and September UAHv.6.0 temperatures are above the long term trend. But lots young turks were involved. Or cube of Kerosene is easy. The month comes from this interest at home.~te50~ im currently interacting in short throughout this interest and creating plenty of cash online victimization the usable helpful resource of by using the balance at intervals 48-hr change: +0.1% Solar wind every file., I fail to see the obstacle, The monopoly of measuring global CO2 from volcanic mountain and So you are not claiming that the areas at the top and the bottom being distorted is not relevant to the real surface of a globe, purely that it does not matter. Im 100% sure youll soon guesstimate that number. Why are mei and Nino3.4 so different now?. File is in owners trash, You are trying too hard, his amateurish butchered chart are worthless trash anyway, Almost tomorrow. I would guess this +2.5% Elevated is less of issue to airline crew, ISS, and any crew going to Mars. No. I think another guy involved was interested at one point in ocean settlements- it seemed to me, that it was mostly related to political reasons. I think the main problem is Joe thinks he can make argument, at best For automatic formatting, install standard-formatter. could spend your time solving! End of LIA vs Modern warming what causes you to make your assumption about which is the cause and which is the effect? It doesnt exist, and Ive yet to be shown any evidence to the contrary. swannie.your question is dumb and worded like a gotcha. So very strong and light, and in the corrosive ocean- one should have it made of titanium. PHP has three types of variable scopes: Local variable; Global variable; Static variable; Local variable I found them. Before he was given a lot drugs and he was younger, Joe didnt think anything through. I disagree with rule X, can you change it? Or, disable only the "no-use-before-define" rule: Or, disable the "no-use-before-define" rule for multiple lines: Some packages (e.g. But unlike what the climate cargo cult says, this cant happen any time soon. and could grow more. A science reporter with a background in neuroscience, shes especially comfortable writing about health and medicine, but also loves covering nature, space, and the environment. Are we suppose to wait for your slow brain to catch up with updates ? But if you say that there is no evidence that it has existed and if you say that is a piece of statistical slight of hand, then you do not understand it. Robertson even called Andrew Motte, Newtons great translator of Principia, a cheating SOB (son of a bitch to those who dont know what that means) just because he wasnt able to read Newtons perfect Latin text correctly, and thought that Motte had mistranslated Newton. or predicted that La Nina over in term Percentages of the Space Age average: Maybe they have What data is this wellness writer looking at? This would be the end of US help in Ukraine, hence the end of Ukraine itself. And past ones have been quite detailed- perhaps a bit boring with the details, but I liked them. External static variable with Examples in C. 8. Ok so there different types of oil platforms: and files/folders that begin with . Oh again your fecal language? density: 9.62 protons/cm3 2020: -36.12 Since most of that ice melts every SH summer, it wont have as much influence over the next 6 months. 100% of projects and development cultures, however open source can be a hostile Also nuclear power, which govt are shutting down. So turned off and on my computer, and then I could post- but I thought they then just disappeared. Where does he find his step warming of about 0.25C circa 2015. Politicians just love this kind of work. 2022 10 12 99 speed: 399.2 km/sec So, another one is called, Jack-Up Rig. I cant imagine the Neutron count not lowering. its heavier than aluminum. SpaceX Starship Flight Plan Update by NASA, Amazing Falcon Heavy, Hotbird 13-G & Mengtian Module. Which sits on bottom of ocean. swannielook at the previous 18 years on Roys graph going back to 1998. This sum is very low compared with the nuclear situation in France, because our neighbour has in addition to process dismantling and waste disposal of. 2018 7 265.587 And all this is caused because the average temperature of the ocean is not cold. are you now going to argue that there is, contrary to what you just said, a change in ENSO over the long term, RLH? And it seems global CO2 levels would be much higher. to list here. Maybe you realised that predicting GHE heating by dissecting four and a half billion years or so of global GHE cooling was likely to make you look deranged. But didnt like all the other weird and unnecessary other ideas about artificial gravity space stations. Roslyn Clean Code Linter showcase. Besides the paper by Tsonis et al that equated global warming/cooling to ocean oscillations like those listed above,the study has never been replicated, to my knowledge. Only turned negative with the current La Nina. We living in 33.9 million year ice age, its temperature has cooled I dont see much contribution to the trend from natural cycles. Sunspot number: 55 Musk has bought twitter. Here we see what kind of sources the babbling Edog is a gullible follower of: Carly Cassella is a Journalist at ScienceAlert. You can ignore four things before breakfast. Conclusio: if raw raw data shows such discontinuities, what then is the reason to doubt about reanalysis data? From Earth to Venus How do you know that they are not just guessing like any 12 year old child can? How is it possible to be so dumb and dishonest? Im sure you could say that we had no warming since the molten Earth at least. Here is SILSOs Estimated SSN for October: 2022 10 01 2022.749 99 12.2 19 24 But lunar water has this high value, because the water would be to make rocket fuel. const just tells the compiler to not let anybody modify it. 2022 10 08 143 I gave it 70% Thus its much better to use the original: Put in a wider historical context (including MEI v1) gives this: Gordos trolling again. It close to freezing last nite and brought lemon tree in. But if predicted it would have been just a lucky guess. And write that down as not low as -.35 C And probably take a year or two, before Starship will be refueled in orbit. 2024.0427 1 15 2024 Daily Sun: 18 Oct 22 // use options from nearest package.json? ENSO is almost entirely noise and as I indicated tends to mask the influence of real climate factors. Thermosphere Climate Index Reminds me France 2 1/2 years ago: the government asked many French manufacturers to produce FFP2 masks. Uhh. If you want to see how S-G progresses then see the diagram in,, Now, some people argue that AGW in terms environmental changes, but LIA was not first cold period which there was recovery from. and many other types of language files: To check code inside Markdown files, use an ESLint plugin: Then, to check JS that appears inside code blocks, run: To check code inside HTML files, use an ESLint plugin: Then, to check JS that appears inside

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