criminal case death comes to lunch

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Valereea Valz - Impaled with a metal sculpture of a flower by Sean Rubio. Isaac: Samuel Waldorf-Ridgewood has been sneaking into Clarissa's vault? And the needle- Examine Magnifying Glass. (Prerequisite: Horatio Rochester's Signature identified), Autopsy Victim's Body. Do any of these images bear out his words? Aubrey Miller - Drowned by Cordelia Putnam who believed her to be a witch and the reason for her miscarriages. Then, pray tell, who or what is Nellie, and where does one find her? Ask Mr Waldorf-Ridgewood about his magnifying glass in the vault. Larry: Clarissa, poisoned? Later her heart was stolen by Rupert Snow. Isaac: But Mr Rochester shan't bother you again, if he knows what's good for him. With a heavy heart, Antonio decided to lead Jane to the seaweed tables where he started his affair with Kathie and after a surveillance camera revealed that the teacher had seduced several boys during her 35 year tenure of teaching, Jane promptley arrested Kathie who was sentenced to 75 years for statutory rape. That's my only hope of ever feeling better again! Isaac Bontemps: , someone murdered Clarissa Rochester at a luncheon by slipping poison into her champagne Initial release date Maddie: Charlie, I feel like there's a hole in my HEAD, too! Queen Catherine of Aragon - Hit in the face by Agnes Manners with a morning star mace. Isaac: A vain hope, with on the case! George Buchanan - Stabbed by Wentworth with a saber on Archie's order for harassing Giulietta Capecchi. It takes place in the Sinner's End district of Concordia. Francine (sweating): Cindy Hamilton - Bludgeoned to death by Madena Cuervo. Isaac: , I have a sense of foreboding that our calamities with the Rochesters are only just the beginning! Christie Becker - Stabbed in the stomach by Tyler Griffin (Tutorial). Molly Robinson - Poisoned by Margaret Littlewood after eating her poisoned cupcake. Chidi Udoka - Stabbed in the eye by Kasongo Badu with a champagne flute. Hank Buxton - Strangled to death by his mother Peggy with a pantyhose. Let's see what he can tell us! Marcus Butler - Slashed to death by Haruki Kato with a white bear claw. Paul Etter - Disemboweled by a chupacabra that was controlled by his sister Susan. Learning that Franca Capecchi has planted a bomb at the Concordia Train Station, Maddie and the player rush to the scene to try deactivate the explosive before it blows up. Isaac: So either Mrs Hwang gave Clarissa this perfume as an apology, or she received it from her Lindsay Bannister - Stabbed through her heart by Walter Fellows with an antique dagger. But Milady started feeling unwell, so she asked the guests to take an early leave. Fred Drucker - Electrocuted to death by Dan Scruffinsky. You found a bottle of Ginger Storm among the dirty dishes! What is it regarding? (Result: Gold Flakes), Analyze Gold Flakes. Isaac: Our Spanish trickster's a dab hand with paintings, he must know how to develop photographs, too! Isaac: Francine, we shall require a list of everyone who attended this luncheon. Jane Pembroke - Strangled to death by Minnie Star with her own scarf. Tyler Wright - Stabbed to death by Bryan Vigman with a letter opener. Analyze Recording Device. Prof. Kevin Charles - Whipped to death by Polly O'Brien, Lucius Roth, Azeeb Patel, Dorothy Kix and Courtney Guerra under orders from Rozetta Pierre. Adam Bentley - Shot in the head by Samuel King under orders from Serena Johnson to prevent him for telling the team about Crimson Order's existence. Samuel: Not yet, ! Diego: Definitely! Evie took Isaac and the player to a barn outside town, which was the headquarters of the resistance against Mayor Lawson's regime, as a favor for Katherine Woolf. (Prerequisite: Samuel WR decoded; Profile updated: Samuel has knowledge of botany), Examine Victim's Box. Maddie, do you like it? All of this comes close to an estimate of $2,000 in. She's still recovering from last night's bender Isaac: , the writing on Larry Rochester's photograph reads, "This is family money! Maddie: Don't worry, Charlie! And don't you dream of leaving your bicycle in my parking spot. Maddie: You mean you and I, to live together? Can't you come back later? I went to the luncheon with the express purpose of mending bridges between us! Why be thrifty when I was born a millionaire? Isaac: Larry Rochester! We suspect the intruder tried to get rid of something incriminating, but so far, we don't know what. Fabrizio Gallardo - Shot in the eye with a flare gun by Lizzie Dion. And the Wolf Street Stock Exchange! Wyatt Ewing - Stabbed in the neck by Poppy Winters with a trident. Criminal Case Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I mean, yes, but that's the least of it! Ernest Turing - Stuffed to death with money by his robot Per-Sephone. Isaac: , it seems like the party guests have broken something valuable here. Samuel: But if you can retrieve the photographs I took, you will see I speak the truth! Autopsy Victim's Body. You'd better be doing your darnedest to find Clarissa's killer! Inform the Deputy Mayor about the deal between Vittorio and Horatio. Evie, tell Francine we're on our way! Later, on the airship Jacob Bontemps - Mentioned to have been accidentally trampled to death by horse indirectly caused by his brother Isaac. What have you found? Larry: Anyway, further engagements await, so I must hurry along! NEW CASE: MYSTERIES OF THE PAST Illustrious bank director poisoned at a luncheon! Thomas Segan - Electrocuted to death with a defibrillator by Mark Hamilton. Officer Edna Owens - Shot to death by her brother Wilbur on the Italian gang's orders. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Be able to clearly explain why their work is subpar and how it affects you and the company. Let us begin! Bruce Green - Tied to a pipe and eaten alive by vultures caused by Jake Drill. Maddie (blushing): Me too, Charlie! 4 As David and Caroline were catching up, she revealed that she was terminally ill. Sunil Dhudwar - Injected with a deadly virus by Ayush Patil. Sabine Diamant - Strangled by Boa caused by Jacques Lelarge. You look particularly fresh? The team talked to Deputy Mayor Hwang, who refused to investigate the accusations without solid evidence. The bank's just lost its director, and- I figured gold was prettier than paper! (Prerequisite: Golden Coin unraveled), Examine Signature. Isaac: , Clarissa Rochester's private vault is completely ransacked! The golden caviar's my personal favorite, there's still some left- Some event went up to the rooftop to enjoy a game of bowling! I take a dim view of games that hurt the backbone but leave the intellect unchallenged. Isaac: I agree, we must have this specimen analyzed at once! Isaac: Sounds like a serious predicament for an ambitious woman like yourself, Mrs Hwang. Francine: Me, a murderer? Isaac: You may well here from us again, Mr Waldorf-Ridgewood but it won't be because we need your help! Khalid Souleyman - Kicked in the head by a horse caused by Hilda Tripton. Isaac: The Deputy Mayor? Trey Warner and dozen other people - Died after being experimented on by Ernesto Vega under orders from Shweta Noorani. Isaac Bontemps (All Chapters)Charles Dupont (A Run for Your Money 1)Maddie O'Malley (2 tasks in A Run for Your Money 1) Crimson Banks is in chaos! Theo Vergeer - Head crushed by Rene Daucourt with an ice sculpture. They contaminated the organic tissue with a synthetic substance that I identified as hair pomade! (Result: Golden Coin; New Suspect: Larry Rochester), Question Larry Rochester about the victim. Sandra: I must alert the Mayor about this calamity at once! Viola: Wait until I tell you what I found when I examined the leaves under the microscope: a single fiber of brown hair! Justine Collier - Strangled by Didier Soucy with a headband. As was an old acquaintance, Samuel Waldorf-Ridgewood, who- Gail Harding - Buried alive in cement by Irina Phelps. Lyla's mother - Mentioned to have died from unknown causes, later her death was believed to be the Milkman's doing by the Bellevue's residents, including Lyla. Agw - Bludgeoned with a cognac bottle accidentally by Jorge de la Cruz. Later, on the airship Let us dispatch them to Viola! (15:00:00; Attribute: The killer has blue eyes), See what Samuel has to say. Question the Deputy Mayor about the apology gift. Viola: It must've fallen in the mortar from the killer's head while they crushed the plant! Desperate, even! Analyze Champagne Flute. Larry: Another time, she told me to cut back on the golden caviar. Sam De Witt - Shot in the eye with a high-pressured paintball gun by Monica Pozie. Statistics on the JetPunk quiz Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past. Justine Bankston's sister - Mentioned to have been decapitated by her sister Justine who was controlled by the ghost of Abigail Riley. Maddie: Unfortunately, it's so expensive only a Rochester could afford it! There's even a note attached: "With apologies." I see you've found a clue, ! Sounds like a plan! Chief Wright: Yes, the director of the Bank of Concordia! Evie: Clarissa Rochester's vault has been ransacked! Collecting a sample may reveal what we're missing! But if can spare a few minutes, then go talk to Madeline before we see Samuel in his cell! I'd better go! Charles: Alright, , let's give this drink to Maddie! Contents 1 Profile 2 Murder details 3 Relationship with suspects 4 Killer and motives 5 Case appearances 6 Gallery 7 Navigation Profile Clarissa was the head of the Bank of Concordia. Randolph (human form) - Chest cut open by Jarvis Donne in order to free Randolph's true alien form. Charles: Well, I hope your concoction will help Maddie, because I really must talk to her! Isaac: , there is a stack of letters in that box the victim kept locked! Peggy Pascal - Tied to the weather tower and electrocuted by Veronica Blade. Isaac: It says, "Clarissa, change your mind, or you'll regret it!" I don't mean to brag, but I'm naturally at ease with the financial and social elite. To think that they would fraternize with criminals is disquieting- Horatio: , tell me you've solved my daughter's murder! It is also filed in civil court, and it is a separate proceeding from the criminal case, with a separate judge. Todd Anderson - Sliced in half vertically by Lyla Heller who posed as the Milkman, the urban legend of Chicago. Confront Samuel about breaking into Clarissa's vault. Anna Jewell - Bashed in the head by Eliza Rheinberg with a stirrup to cover up her real identity as a flower girl. Criminal Case Official Fan-Fiction Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. in: Criminal Case, Stickers Death Comes to Lunch/Stickers < Death Comes to Lunch View source General Stickers Transcript This page is a sticker gallery for Death Comes to Lunch . Maddie: If only you could somehow find me some Ginger Storm! Let us dig in! I must've lost it in Clarissa's salon! And look, I made you a gift, too! Evie: Clarissa Rochester's vault has been ransacked! Roland Vane - Constricted to death by a snake caused by Annabel Stewart. 1. Let us identify the signature! (Result: Samuel WR; New Suspect: Samuel Waldorf-Ridgewood), Ask Mr Waldorf-Ridgewood about his magnifying glass in the vault. And it hurt! My ex shot the gun while making his attack and hit me in the head with the gun, cutting my ear in half. Vito Pioni - Tied and suspended to death at the station clock by Fredo Mancini. Kerry Ann Buxton - Face injected with numerous syringes by Tom Norris. Isaac: We've questioned Clarissa's father, Horatio Rochester, who had nothing but praise for his industrious daughter Surely they left some telltale sign on the glass? For example, if the government was seeking to obtain the defendant's assets through criminal forfeiture, the government can now try to obtain those assets through civil forfeiture. Isaac: You're right, , we'd better go and see what this is about. After the events, the team devised a plan to find and confront the new Lions Street University sociology professor about their draconian methods of teaching and hopefully stop Lady Death before she causes more destruction. Francine: You have to forgive me, ! Larry: I pinched Francine's bottom alright, but I meant it affectionately! Isaac: Which means Horatio must've misled them about the Italian gang's involvement! My patience is wearing thin! Jacob Dawks - Head crushed by an overweight sandbag caused by Phineas Fine. Charles: Excellent idea, ! Sandy Grimmes - Hacked to death by Shanaya Peota with a tomahawk. Bodies are building up! Juan Rodrigo Vasquez - Sliced in the face by Tiffany Neng with an ice skater's blade. Examine Blue Substance. Stephanie Griff - Skull crushed by Gunnar Burns with a vise for discovering his wife's body. Deepak Kumar - Accidentally shot by his sister Amrita in self-defense, mistaking him as an assailant. Anjulie Cruz - Bisected in half by with a wire by Sven Blattner. Isaac: And despite my misgivings about bowling, I have no objects to searching through those pins and balls in that bag! Or tried to pilfer her belongings? Isaac: And if you want to open that box bearing the victim's initials, I shan't stand in your way! Laura Knight - Mentioned to have died in a car crash. Salma then thanked the team and promised her family that she would live her best life for Oscar and Julio. Francine: I can't believe anyone would do this to Milady After she'd kindly invited them to the house, too! Lisa Edwards - Hung by Penelope Rivera who was hypnotized by Tess Goodwin. I have fond memories of us solving that murder together at Lady Highmore's picnic! Maddie: Speaking of roommates, we must make one thing clear, Charlie. Miss Clarissa Rochester was found dead, in her own home, after a family luncheon! Charles: Clarissa said this man kept breaking into her bank vault! Isaac (sweating): I mean, my deepest condolences, Mr Rochester. Prince Albert - Poisoned in the phone booth by Enid Grimshaw who was blackmailed by Promethian Cult. He pointed them to the terrace, where he had forgotten a camera with incriminating pictures. NoelSimsSandbox Wiki . I wanted to stop Clarissa from throwing our romance away! (18:00:00; Murder Weapon registered: Poisonous Plant; Attribute: The killer has knowledge of botany), Investigate The Victim's Vault. Simpson was followed closely by the entire nation. (Prerequisite: Horatio interrogated; Reward: See if Maddie has recovered from her bender. Isaac: Balderdash! Dash it, you got me good, ! Succeeded by Isaac: Caviar, laced with real gold? Isaac: I suppose this means our killer enjoyed this fanciful delicacy shortly before they penned the threat to the victim! Odette Kamarov - Killed by Tammy Baker using blood thinner pills, making her weep blood. Lead the way, ! (Prerequisite: Writing unraveled; Profile updated: Larry has knowledge of botany and eats golden caviar), Examine Magnifying Glass. Mr. Snuggles - Poisoned by Margaret Littlewood after eating her poisoned cupcake. I must slather some pomade on it quickly on my way! She seemed fine to me! Irina Nemovska - Throat slashed by Jenny Honeycomb with scissors to prevent her making their relationship public. Father Pietro Agnelli - Died from cardiac arrest after being branded on the chest with the Promethian symbol by Klaus Weissmann. General Mark Antony - Throat slit by his girlfriend Queen Cleopatra with his sword to give him an honorable death. Felicia Steppingstone - Slashed to death by Tucker Small with razor blade . Isaac: The perfume looks like a gift! A charming lady gave me the warmest smile! NUR 3805 Final Exam by Topics with correct Answers NUR 3805 Final Exam by Topics with correct Answers Chapter 1: Beginning the Journey Chapter 2: Socialization to Professional Nursing Roles Chapter 3: Historical Foundations of Professional Nursing Chapter 4: Ethical Foundations of Professional Nursing Chapter 5: Legal Foundations of Professional Nursing Chapter 6: Remembering Development in . And the killer did make one mistake! Let us question the fellow! Lucrezia Capecchi - Accidentally pushed to her death from the lighthouse by Jordan Wilson. The highest-standing financier of our town! Penny Farrell - Strangled to death with a dog leash by Kitty Young. Preposterous! Clarissa Rochester played a huge part in the city's financial life! Her calling was her work: I need not remind you that she was the director of the Bank of Concordia! Alan Cardwell - Stabbed to death by Paul Oaster with a candlestick for hooking up on his crush. Isaac: And now, in the absence of any other irregularities to report, we'd better get back to solving Miss Rochester's murder, ! Three unknown people - Mentioned to have committed suicide in their cell for killing their loved ones caused by Abigail Riley's ghost. Season 03: World Edition / Save the World! Criminal Cases. I thus conclude that you're looking for a blue-eyed killer, ! But give it a silly name and put it in a fancy bottle, and people will spend their hard-earned shillings on it! Judge Lawson: , I've heard about your discoveries involving Horatio Rochester and Vittorio Capecchi! No doubt they wanted to look their best for Clarissa Rochester's luncheon. See what Samuel has to say. Now- view your generators; change your password; change your email; logout ( )*: Annie and several prostitutes - Mentioned to have been killed by Fiona Flanagan as the Scarlet Slayer. Wilfred Turnscrew - Taxidermied by Cornelia Trent. Jimmy "Ice P" Lewis - Partially eaten by a shark, caused by Trevor Finn. Annette Arbor - Crushed to death with a car crusher by Larry Newark. Let's go and see if they have some of this miracle drink left over! Admit it: did you kill her to silence her? Isaac: Clarissa was manifestly displeased with her cousins Larry squandering the family fortune on frivolous escapades! Emma Tank - Mentioned to have died of cardiac arrest caused by an overdose of amlodipine caused by Rosamund Wilcox. Isaac: And that not appears to be addressed to our victim! Numerous demons - Mentioned to have died during a civil war in Netherworld. There are 3 chapters in total for this case along with 6 Scenes and 15 Examinations and Interrogations. To think I was to be dismissed today And now it's Miss Clarissa who's departed, in a fine oak wood coffin! you're logged in as - you can:. Isaac: I worry about our Madeline sometimes. Investigate Party Table. Isaac: Miss Rochester wanted to dismiss Francine? Isaac: And we've already uncovered a suspicious link between the Rochesters and the deceased Italian gangster, Vittorio Capecchi! Francine: Oh, that's quite impossible! Isaac: Quick, let's send this champagne flute to Viola and see what she can tell us about the killer! She said my experiments were ruining the property. Can you describe exactly what happened? Despite being rich already! A Rochester, throwing her life away like that! Simpson was tried for two accounts of murder in 1994. Dinah Cooper - Mutilated by Freddie Alonzo as the Puppeteer. Isaac: Yes, I recall we've already made Horatio Rochester's acquaintance. We must take this to Deputy Mayor Hwang at once! And on that note, and I wish to examine the crime scene once again! Chief Wright: No! Isaac: I worry about our Madeline sometimes. District Larry: Oh, , everyone deserves to relax a little after a hard day of signing checks and arguing with the butler. It is also the first case in the Lions Street district of Toomeswood Contents 1 Plot 2 Summary 2.1 Victim 2.2 Weapon 2.3 Killer 3 Suspects 4 Quasi-Suspects 5 Killer's Profile 6 Crime Scenes 7 Steps 7.1 Chapter 1 This must be stopped IMMEDIATELY! Isaac: We have a pressing matter to attend to, Charlie. Unfortunately, the councilors did not see it that way and blocked my proposal. It takes place in the Capitol Peak district of Concordia. Barbara Litzke - Mentioned to have died of cardiac arrest caused by an overdose of amlodipine caused by Rosamund Wilcox. Francine: I even went to night school to learn about herbs and potions, so I could brew the perfect tea for my mistress! Eventually, the team collected enough evidence to arrest Francine for the murder. The update provides a summary of ten of the key cases relevant to the commodities sector so far this year. Audrey's parents - Mentioned to have been killed by Freddie Alonzo as the Puppeteer. Jakobo Nkosi - Throat slashed by Aristide Akintola with a knife. Isaac: Sharp observation, : the note has a faint blue stain on it. Chief Wright: , tell me you're solved Clarissa Rochester's murder, or I won't be able to show my face at the town hall soiree tonight! (Result: Recording Device), Confront Samuel about breaking into Clarissa's vault. Conspiracy? The government . will investigate at once! Isaac: So it's a sound recording contraption! Evie: The bank manager said there were no signs of forced entry. By that despicable Larry Rochester! Isaac: There's a dedication: "They very first copy of your book, and a proud moment for me!" (All tasks before must be done first; Clues: Mortar and Pestle, Bowling Bag), Examine Mortar and Pestle. Officer Barnabas Dycker - Throat slit accidentally by Officer Felix Humphrey. (Result: Gold Pieces), Examine Gold Pieces. There's nothing unlawful about it. Isaac: Either way, you're right, there is a message on the paper: "Clarissa, over my dead body!" Tyler Snakes - Poisoned by a poison cigarette which was given by Velma Bannister. Viola: First, I can confirm the leaves are definitely fragments of Weeping Nelle, the poisonous plant that killed the victim. We must confront Horatio with this evidence at once! Charles: But there's almost nothing left in the bottle That isn't going to help Maddie's hangover Madison Springer - Killed with an explosive tiara by Tess Goodwin. I was so touched when Miss Rochester offered that pretty thing to me, I clumsily dropped it! Investigate Victim's Residence. (Prerequisite: Victim's Letters analyzed; Profile updated: Francine has knowledge of botany and eats golden caviar; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Party Table), Investigate Party Table. Larry: Clarissa's life was short and tragic And just when she finally decided to throw a party - poof, she's dead! After finding the camera, the team retrieved a film roll which (per Diego) proved that Horatio Rochester had met with Vittorio Capecchi. Are they dealing with children or horses? Paula Mahler - Partially cut in half by Ruthie Samson with a table saw. (Result: Ginger Storm). Vitaly Borodin - Throat slashed with a laser torch by Yelena Tereshkova on Natasha's orders. (09:00:00; Attribute: The killer has brown hair), Examine Bowling Bag. Yes, I was there! If someone dies due to another's unlawful behavior, the state may pursue criminal charges. (Prerequisite: Adoption Leaflet unraveled; Profile updated: Horatio eats golden caviar), Examine Locked Box. Investigate Rooftop Buffet. Eventually, the team gathered enough evidence to finally arrest Paige for the murder. It was a gift from Katherine Just when I decided to give her one myself! It was me who telephoned the police! Charles (sweating): I'm not suggesting anything improper! (Francine leaves.) Stuart Huckabee - Throat slashed by Susan Huckabee to prevent him for telling the team about Crimson Order's existence. Emilie Bouton - Stabbed by Raymond Aym (Tutorial). Dick: , there's no doubt about it: your victim was killed by Weeping Nellie! Here are 7 of the most famous criminal law cases in U.S. history. Evie: The letter doesn't say why. Bridget Baker - Decapitated by Timmy Tanner with a machete by accident. Isaac Bontemps: , you've already uncovered a suspicious link between the Rochesters and the deceased Italian gangster, Vittorio Capecchi (Prerequisite: Decorative Plate unraveled), Examine Trash Can. (Prerequisite: Ginger Storm analyzed; Reward: Investigate Party Table. Analyze Ginger Storm. We hope it'll help! How do you plead? Li Jun - Bashed in the head by Ellen Morowitz with a vase. Isaac: I don't know, Evie. Patricia Rochester - Shot in the head by Sylvia May to prevent her from exposing her as William Oland's accomplice in the murders of Deputy Mayor Hwang and Edgar Woe. Analyze Leaf Fragments. Rosa Wolf - Throat slashed by Matt Barry (Tutorial). Hans Vogel - Impaled on a cuckoo clock puppet pole caused by Johan Schnee. See also: Crime Scenes, Crime Scenes Objects, Stickers, Timeline, Other Criminal Case like games. Viola: , I'm relieved it's Isaac working with you today and not Maddie! Give the hangover cure to Maddie. After Chief Wright reported the death of Clarissa Rochester, head of the Bank of Concordia, in her residence after organizing a luncheon, Isaac and the player went there and found her poisoned body. Claire Godwin - Electrocuted by Percy Wollcraft with his father's experimental machine. Isaac: Well, you didn't clean the mortar and pestle well enough! Viola: The substance is caviar, a delicacy which was undoubtedly served at the victim's luncheon. Isaac: How do you explain this note, then? Criminal Case Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In this case, Gordon Michelli, the director of the Red Company, was left nailed to cross and died from excessive blood-loss. Horatio: In fact, I paid a generous compensation to the farmers, after the fraud came to light. Reggie Liotta - Bludgeoned to death with a stone club by Jebediah Cobb. Most of the drink is sugar and carbonated water. Larry: And then she slapped me in the face! Please give it to me at once! Capital idea! Viola: Sounds like a conversation for which one needs all the vitamins one can get! Isaac: You mean it was you who opposed Clarissa's plans? And the green hue of her face! Caroline Crane - Mentioned to have died from unknown causes. It's made of this new material called Rockelite! Examine Pot Debris. With plenty of room for "murder" on your charge sheet! Alfie McNaulty - Stabbed through the eye by croupier stick by Grace O'Brien. Celia Barnes - Mentioned to have died from syphilis. The Wolf Street stock market has collapsed. Events of Criminal Case Death Comes to Lunch Larry became a suspect after the player and Isaac found a golden coin with his face minted on it at the victim's luncheon. Isaac: Well, let's see if our botanist killer can concoct a remedy against getting arrested! Examine Signature. Ilya Tretyakov - Strangled to death with his own tie by Nikita Rukhin. I was hoping that maybe, if you don't mind perhaps I could move in with you? Being an unmarried woman and all! Isaac: You're right, , Larry must have attended the luncheon! Sandra: Anyway, I'm late for a meeting and my hair is a disaster! Demetrios Metaxas - Stabbed in the back by Nikolaos Costa with a dagger. Simon Armstrong - Ritualistically killed by Ophelia Lincoln. Batrice Sanchez - Stabbed by Candy Wu with a pair of (sewing)scissors. If the decision is correct, the case is solved. Lissa Avery - Poisoned by her step-mother Gertrude to gain her husband's fortune. Jason Stone - Garroted by Hector Montoya. She wouldn't sabotage my political career over this! It was a crime of passion - we were lovers, and Clarissa left me. Exchange rates, deposits And now she's dead before she could've enjoyed her riches! I can't help it if secrets tickle my detective instincts! Charles: Maddie, we've got you the drink you wanted! Francine (sweating): I'm mortified I didn't even offer you nibbles and refreshments! Good luck solving my cousin's murder, ! Lucy Campbell - Strangled to death by Odell Toole with a metal coat hanger. I was immeasurably proud of her! Lady Fiore de Medici - Shot in the heart by Cardinal Cisneros with an experimental gun. Isaac: You mean you and Miss Rochester had a relationship of a romantic nature? Isaac: Francine, you're under arrest for the murder of your mistress, Clarissa Rochester! Marine veteran Paul Whelan was again left behind in Russia in President Biden's prisoner exchange for WNBA star Brittney Griner on Thursday. Isaac: Viola, we're eager to hear your verdict on this plant found in the trash! Hector Hernandez - Crushed by a chandelier caused by his wife Gloria. Chieftain Katurix - Head bashed in with a stone by Venextos. Judge Lawson: One day, people may get to freely love whoever they wish, Miss Francine. Isaac: It seems they conspired in a fraud over the construction of the Concordian railway. Otis Kidd - Shot in the back by Billy Thompson with a revolver. Now- Here, some Cup of Jo readers share their own genius DadTexts: "When my dad calls me, he says, 'Hi, This is Steve Larson, your dad. There are differences between a standard US cup of liquid (8 oz.) There . Let us apply ourselves and find them! Criminal Case Mysteries of the Past - Case #37 - Death Comes to Lunch - Chapter 3Let's find Clarissa's killer!Previous video: Concordia She trusted me, I'm a long-standing friend of the family. Isaac: , what were these gold pieces doing among the debris of the flowerpot? Brad Price - Shot through the heart with an arrow by Megan Lucas. And the railway's path was diverted through an undisputed territory. Francine: We kept it hidden, for her family would have never approved. Annie Capri - Strangled to death with silk rope by Mikey Bolero. Philomena Highmore - Throat slashed by Ignatius Cottingley with an obsidian knife for trying to uncover his fraud. Charlie: Last time I saw one of these machines, I could only hear a few garbled words on the recording. A barren woman could still prove her worth in business. Isaac: We found a personal item of yours in Clarissa Rochester's bank vault which was ransacked shortly after she was murdered. Debby Gideon - Skull crushed with a cattle bolt by Tallulah Shropshire. Isaac: Mrs Hwang, we've come to you about a disturbing matter, concerning a link between Horatio Rochester and the defunct mobster Vittorio Capecchi. Criminal Case (frequently abbreviated to " CC ") is an adventure, hidden object and puzzle video game series developed and published by Pretty Simple. Later his spine was stolen by Rupert Snow. In the case of the above, we are dealing with a Mercury, Moon and Uranus person. Except give you this token of my esteem! Following these events, Evie reported that Clarissa's death had pushed the bank to crisis, causing the stock market to collapse. Burt Montana - Heart ripped out by Louis Scripps. Isaac: If you think the microscope might solve the mystery of this apology, let's place the sample under it post-haste! But I see it as my duty to offer all of my expertise to you in this investigation! (Prerequisite: Maddie interrogated; Clue: Broken Gift), Examine Broken Gift. Toodle-oo! Argat Noyan - Stabbed in the neck by Erhi who was manipulated into doing so by Ammon Bast. Rainee Day - Stabbed in the heart with a crystal shard by Jesse Adams who was possessed by the ghost of Abigail Riley. It's for the MadMobile! A wrongful death case is filed by the family members - not the prosecutor. Jack Goodwin - Stuffed to death with chocolate by Veronica Blue. Evie: But I found something that relates to Clarissa's personal affairs: a copy of her dismissal letter to Francine, her maid! Diego: It proves that Horatio Rochester is guilty of low culinary standards! (Prerequisite: Francine interrogated; Clues: Threatening Note, Pot Debris), Examine Threatening Note. Isaac: , we have all the evidence to arrest Clarissa Rochester's killer! Samuel: , I have irrefutable proof that the Rochesters are conspiring against the common good! Fortunately setting up a Santa Muerte altar . After the trial, Samuel had agreed to give Isaac and the player information about the Rochesters' activities in exchange for lesser charges. Riaja Somalinggi - Shot in the chest by Maya Salim with a harpoon for trying to escaping SOMBRA's training facility. Meanwhile, Charlie and the player helped Maddie recover from her hangover and she allowed Charles to live in her house's spare room. She admitted that she not only wanted to kill Oscar for trying to prevent the drug lord's distribution of "moon rocks" which was a lethal concoction of estrogen, opium, ecstacy, meth and fentanyl which was laced inside breathmints intended to sell to sorority girls but she revealed that she was also ordered to kill him by Lady Death who was infuriated by the deaths of drug lord Harris Gaumont and arms dealer Marcia Salvatore. Examine Trash Can. (Result: Leaf Fragments), Analyze Leaf Fragments. Emma Ternon - Pushed out of a tower building by Roger Dence. A new invention that restores your energy! His death was later undone when the team restored the timeline. Francine: She grew so afraid of a scandal that she decided never to see me again! Sandra: , today's not a good day to distract me. Chief Wright: ! Wise move - a lot could be gleaned from what's thrown away at a party! We will all experience death and rebirth as part of our lives: failed relationships leading to new ones, career changes, a new hairstyle. Analyze Victim's Letters. Becky Walden - Frozen to death by Derek Stone using a Nitrogen tank. Investigate Rooftop Terrace. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the revenue service for the United States federal government, which is responsible for collecting U.S. federal taxes and administering the Internal Revenue Code, the main body of the federal statutory tax law.It is an agency of the Department of the Treasury and led by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who is appointed to a five-year term by the . Rex Logan - Melted to death with acid by Daniel Lambert. Samuel: Miss Clarissa, murdered? Isaac: My word, you're right! We have Horatio Rochester, the victim's father, who was vehemently against Clarissa adopting an orphan! Examine Torn Leaflet. Carlos Antonio - Head cracked open by Shawn Bailey with his car. Later, on the airship Francine: Milady had impossibly high standards, ! Margaret Hatchman - Mauled to death by a lion caused by Tobias Frankenberger. Rest assured the murderer shall not escape punishment. There were just too many fascinating things in that vault about the entire Rochester family! Case # Isaac: You also wish to inspect the discarded leftovers? Isaac: Back to the rooftop terrace, at the victim's residence? But I'm sure my beverage will help! Isaac: Oh, I'm that Well, anyway, then this is the very plant the killer used to murder Clarissa Rochester. Francine: Alright, , I put my hands up to it! He was given the death penalty and killed with lethal injection in 1994. Amanda Love - Throat slashed by Douglas Patterson (Tutorial). Isaac: My word! Natasha Flynn - Mentioned to have died to unknown disease. These instruments might be what the killer used to crush Weeping Nellie to extract it poison! Eric Prynce - Stabbed in the stomach by Muriel Cove the mermaid. The Suspects The Chapters The Crime Scenes The Victim The Killer Suspect List Francine Horatio Rochester Larry Rochester Samuel Waldorf-Ridgewood Sandra Hwang After the trial, a distressed Miguel had been anxious for Salma's wellbeing despite being on the run from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who had a warrant for his arrest. Marigold Carson - Decapitated and mutilated by Tiffany the living doll with a machete. Evie: , the Bank of Concordia has just reported an intrusion! Abner Milton - Stabbed by Easton Belmont for discovering his counterfeit scheme. Your presence would be of great help! Larry (holding a coin): Oh, these are my calling cards! Isaac: And someone also ransacked the victim's bank vault! Sam Ellis's son - Mentioned to have been shot by Ruth Wu. Piper Ash - Mentioned to have died of a strobe light-induced seizure caused by Kalua Kaboom. Ronnie Hawk - Strangled to death by Wendell Goh the Wendigo. And next time you take the train, the fare's on me! Isaac: Either way, Mrs Hwang didn't mention any conflict with the victim! It's entirely synthetic and wonderfully malleable! Isaac: I agree, Clarissa's private correspondence may bring forth a new lead in her murder! Lola du Maurier - Shot by Mlodie Laurence with an arrow. Bernie Silverman - Poisoned by his daughter Vicki. Tom Nelson - Accidentally shot in the chest with a laser gun by Brad Raybury. Delsin Peota - Head scalped by Milton Grimmes to challenge the player. released from prison much to Vanessa's anger, And One Finally Fell From The Cuckoo Bird's Nest, Hence We Come Upon The Crossroads Of Death, Scandalous Story Of Greed, Sex, Drugs, And Murder Tonight, Made Of Sugar And Spice Made Of Fire And Ice, Only The Absolute Truth Or Your Permanent Silence Coming Forth, The Tyranny Hunts The Graveyard For Our Ghosts, And The Peaceful Days Fall Through The Cracks, A Killer Instinct Breeds Such A Deadly Lust For Glorious Injustice, Utterly Depraved And Revoltingly Wicked Retribution, So Now Everything Has Gone Into Straight God Damn Absolute Hell, All the Inconvenient Truths But All The Convenient Lies, O The Lord Shall Have But No Mercy For The Godly, The Truth Will Be Uncovered And All Shall Be Revealed, Your Cardinal Sin Shall Be Your Eternal Torture, Investigate Fraternity House Dining Room (Clues: Victim's Body;New Suspect: Fidel Esposito; Victim Identified: Oscar Riviera-Esposito), Ask Fidel Esposito about his relationship with the victim (Prerequisite: Fraternity House Dining Room Investigated; New Suspect: Salma Esposito), Attempt to console Salma Esposito (Prerequisite: Fidel Esposito interrogated), Autopsy Victim's Body (18:00:00;Attribute: The killer has access to poison; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Pink Lime Mud Bath Spa), Investigate Pink Lime Mud Bath Spa (Prerequisite: All tasks above must be completed; Clue: Broken Glass), Examine Broken Glass (Result: Wine Glass, Victim's Cell Phone), Analyze Wine Glass (09:00:00; Murder Weapon Registered: Poisoned Wine; Attribute: The killer suffers from headaches), Analyze Victim's Cellphone (06:00:00; New Suspect: Hector Esposito), Ask Hector Esposito about his argument with the victim (Prerequisite: Victim's Cellphone Analyzed), Investigate Morningdew Yoga Studio (Available after unlocking Chapter 2; Clues: Burnt Trash Can, Broken Pieces, CCTV Camera), Examine Burnt Trash Can (Result: Charred Bottle), Analyze Charred Bottle (08:00:00; Attribute: The killer smokes cigarettes), Examine Broken Pieces (Result:Jade Skull;New Suspect: Paige Ziang), Arrest Paige Ziang for arson (Prerequisite: Broken Pieces Examined; Profile Updated: Paige Ziang suffers from headaches), Grill Hector Esposito about his predatory behaviour (Prerequisite:CCTV Camera Analyzed; Profile Updated: Hector Esposito has access to poison, suffers from headaches and smokes cigarettes;New Crime Scene Unlocked: Seaweed Wrap Tables), Investigate Seaweed Wrap Tables (Prerequisite:All tasks above completed; Clues:Broken Pieces, Faded Paper), Confront Fidel Esposito about his nasty trick on the victim (Prerequisite: Broken Pieces Analyzed; Profile Updated: Fidel Esposito has access to poison, suffers from headaches and smokes cigarettes), Examine Faded Paper (Result: New Suspect: Antonio Riviera), Inform Antonio Riviera about his son's murder (Prerequisite: Faded Paper Examined), Find out why Salma Esposito was furious with her husband (Available after unlocking Chapter 3; Profile Updated: Salma Esposito has access to poison, suffers from headaches and smokes cigarettes; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Dining Room Salon), Investigate Dining Room Salon (Prerequisite: Salma Esposito interrogated; Clues: Garbage Can and Faded Poster), Examine Garbage Can (Result: Torn Pieces), Grill Antonio Riviera about the results of his son's DNA Test (Prerequisite: DNA Test Analyzed; Profile Updated: Antonio Riviera suffers from headaches and smokes cigarettes), Examine Faded Poster (Result: Drug Warning), Demand answers from Paige Ziang (Prerequisite: Faded Poster Examined; Profile Updated: Paige Ziang has access to poison and smokes cigarettes; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Underground Garden), Investigate Underground Garden (Prerequisite: All tasks above must be completed; Clues: Rat Poison and Cigarette Box), Analyze Rat Poison (12:00:00; Attribute: The killer wears red clothing), Analyze Cigarette Box (15:00:00; Attribute: The killer has black hair), Go to You Have Entered The House Of Death (1/6), See what Miguel Esposito wants (Available after unlocking You Have Entered The House Of Death 1/6), Investigate Dining Room Salon (Prerequisite:Miguel Esposito interrogated; Clue: Salma's Bag), Examine Salma's Bag (Result: Bloody Knife), Elanna Esposito wants to reason with Salma (Prerequisite: Bloody Knife Analyzed), Seek out Valentina Esposito's Help (Prerequisite: Elanna Esposito interrogated), Investigate Morningdew Yoga Studio (Prerequisite:Valentina Esposito interrogated;Clue:Music Box), Show Salma Esposito her music box (Prerequisite: All tasks above must be completed; Reward: Robin Hood Outfit (Male) Maid Marian Outfit (Female)), Demand answers from Paige Ziang (Available after unlocking You Have Entered The House Of Death), Investigate Seaweed Wrap Tables (Prerequisite: Paige Ziang interrogated; Clue: Injured Man), Ask Miguel Esposito what happened (Prerequisite:Seaweed Wrap Tables investigated), Confront Connie Esposito about assaulting Miguel (Prerequisite: Miguel Esposito interrogated; Reward:20000 Coins), Get answers from Antonio Riviera about his past (Prerequisite: All tasks above must be completed), Investigate Seaweed Wrap Tables again (Prerequisite: Antonio Riviera must be completed; Clue: Surveillance Camera), Arrest Kathie May Leroux (Prerequisite:Surveillance Camera Analyzed;Reward:Burger). Evie: Oh, Mr Bontemps, don't be so hard on Maddie! The Heart of the . Analyze Film Roll. I do hope you did not take desperate measures to protect your position! Grard Arnault - Head bashed in with a cat statue by Eugene Donkin. Single-Issue Landlord: During the Additional Investigation, Charlie tells you that her landlady finally got tired of his dangerous experiments and kicked him out after accidentally making a hole in the wall. Aurelio Hernandez - Mentioned to have fell to his death, indirectly caused by his father Hector. But there remains a matter we're hoping you could elucidate. Later his lungs were stolen by Rupert Snow. Isaac: , we already knew one of the Rochesters was involved in Vittorio Capecchi's railway fraud scheme! Just that Clarissa was to send off Francine with a month's wages and a reference after the luncheon today. Sandra: Excuse me, , I have a bad case of hay fever. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. The victim's vault contained evidence that she'd threatened to curtail his decadent lifestyle. Sammy Duncan - Decapitated by Joe Littlehat with an axe. Chad Whickman - Burnt alive by Joe Stern as a revenge to the Vipers gang for vandalizing his store. (Available after unlocking Chapter 3; Clues: Torn Leaflet, Locked Box, Perfume), Examine Torn Leaflet. Dolores Zamora - Poisoned by Shane Redfern. Ronald Rooney - Shot in the chest by Yoshinobu Akagi. Francine: No! Isaac: What happened, Chief? Examine Broken Gift. Viola: As the Bard said, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Isaac, than are dreamt of in you philosophy!" In some cases, there can be a criminal law case relating to a death. Isaac: , I've never laid eyes on a contrivance like this before! Isaac: It is evident that Mr Rochester was close to the victim We shall have a word with him. That is the real crime here, Your Honor! Maddie: There are to be no explosions on the balcony! James Parker - Died from his injuries after the car explosion. It must be therefore the killer's! Isaac: Well, found it! Mid-investigation, a disguised Miguel informed Vanessa and the player that Oscar used to be part of a college fraternity in Toomeswood long before he met and married Salma. Priya Joshi - Bludgeoned to death by her cousin Vikram Joshi with Dandiya sticks. Viola: It was a breeze! Rani Goshwalla - Asphyxiated by the ant colony entering her mouth indirectly caused by her sister Misha who was hypnotized by Tess Goodwin. Horatio: I think you'll find there's nothing you can reproach me or my family with, . Aaliyah Banks - Partially eaten by piranhas caused by Taylor Kirby who was hypnotized by Tess Goodwin. Time is money,. Inaya and most of Aloki tribes - Killed by Solomon Grimmes and his group to claim their gold mine, creating a new order known as Crimson Order (Flashback). Get Off Your High Horse. Isaac: , we've already crossed paths with the Rochester family during our earlier criminal investigations Isaac: , if money was the motive for Clarissa Rochester's murder, then searching her vault is bound to pay dividends! Sandra: Clarissa was a progressive financier, full of ideas to reform our banking system! Viola: Observe, if you please, the damage to the leaves. Viola: As you suspected, , this is indeed a specimen of Weeping Nellie, the poisonous plant that killed the victim. Now we can take the film roll out and send it to Diego! Isaac: , the person congratulating the victim on her book was Horatio Rochester! In court, Paige simply revealed that Oscar was one of the members of a drug reform group who tried to suppress the drug crisis in Toomeswood towards sorority girls who were turning to hard drugs as the new sociology professor had been rumored to have been super strict with the girls. Crazy idea! Virginia Watchbird - Impaled on tree branches by Lola Dickinson. Very well then, let's ship it to Charlie, and see if he can charm any evidence out of it! Francine: She wanted to protect herself from the scandal of loving another woman. Diego: Well, there was one photograph on this roll that might interest you Isaac: Assaulted? Henry Crosby - Killed by bomb explosion caused by Donald Byrd. ought to be Clarissa Rochester's initials! Isaac: Mr Waldorf-Ridgewood, we understand you have information to trade for lesser charges. But of course, I didn't know anything about that! Charles: , didn't you just investigate a party at a Rochester's house? Horatio: I ruddy hope not! Freddy Alonzo's parents - Mentioned to have been killed by their son Freddie. Cal Stark - Accidentally impaled on a cactus by his grandfather Jordan. A shocking case has come to light from Ram Pura Phool where a father of an 8-year-old girl brutally thrashed her. Criminal Case Mysteries of the Past - Case #37 - Death Comes to Lunch - Chapter 2Guess who's back!Previous video: list:ht. Isaac: Stop gushing about technicalities, Charlie, and just tell us what you heard! Daisy Thompson - Died from food poisoning after eating a meal intended for Tobias Sharp, indirectly caused by Valentine Montgomery. Do tell what you gleaned from them, Viola! Latest details on tropical weather and hurricane updates. Stacy Lovely - Impaled on a giant martini stick by Jeremy Bowman. Maddie: Oh, it sounds like a nice idea, Charlie. Examine Mortar and Pestle. We young people need joy in our lives! Francine: You're after me because you know Miss Clarissa wanted to sack me! Question Larry Rochester about the victim. Death Comes To Lunch is a case featured in Criminal Case as the nineteenth case of Toomeswood and the nineteenth case overall. Isaac: Mr Rochester, we know your cousin disapproved of your life of debauchery and threatened to cut your spendings! He turned into a serial killer and killed 33 young men, mostly teenagers. Maddie (drinking): Isaac: , these gold flakes were left on the killer's death threat to Clarissa. Examine Threatening Note. Isaac: Someone mixed the deadly extract of a plant in her champagne! Shiro Watanabe - Mentioned to have been shot dead during his wedding by his uncle Yuto for leaving the yakuza. Isaac: You reckon another visit to the bank vault would provide fresh leads? And this caviar was laced with flakes of real gold! Isaac: Larry Rochester? They killed a bank director, it's time they settled their debt! TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 4.2K views, 125 likes, 7 loves, 6 comments, 10 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Criminal Case: NEW CASE: MYSTERIES OF THE PAST Illustrious bank director poisoned at a luncheon! Scott Morris - Drowned in the shallow waters of a yoga studio by Max Gaynes. Larry: I encouraged her to seize the day, but she was married to her work. What a fanciful idea, ! (Prerequisite: Samuel interrogated; Clue: Samuel's Camera), Examine Samuel's Camera. Clarissa Rochester - Poisoned by her maid Francine for ending their relationship. Donald Barnes - Strangled to death by Mama Yasmine with a rope for insulting her. Isaac: Well, Francine, let's hope it wasn't you who visited revenge upon your mistress. Harriet Gatewood - Mentioned to have been killed by Geert de Haan to cover up his affair with her. Sandra (sneezing): ACHOO! Isaac: I concur, , Miss Rochester bears the marks of poisoning! Elise Marx - Poisoned by her boyfriend Alexis Cardinot with a toxic perfume for blackmailing him. Francine: I'm Francine, the maid! Ryan Min - Shot by Felix Murray under orders from Denise Daniels. I'll keep it for myself you- Horatio: Now I suggest you prove yourselves worthy of your own jobs and find her killer before long! !Criminal Case Mysteries Of The Past - Case #37 - Death Comes to Lunch - Arrest KillerThanks For Watching !. Daniel Taylor - Poisoned by Lily Robinson with a poisonous flower. Unfortunately, I misplaced it on the rooftop of the Rochester residence. Investigate Party Table. The extract of which killed Clarissa Rochester! Isaac: I expect you're immune to such mistakes, Mr Rochester. Evie: , sorry to interrupt, but Mr Waldorf-Ridgewood's still in custody for breaking into the victim's vault. It'd better be worth our while, or you can forget about leniency! Samuel Rye - Disemboweled by Harry Krane with a Katana. Isaac: And you're right, we'd better reassemble that torn leaflet as well. After finding a bloody knife which per Lucas was discovered to have Salma's blood, Miguel's daughter stripper Elanna Esposito decided she would try to talk some sense into Salma but to no avail as the widow felt betrayed by Oscar's past. Harriet Patrick - Stabbed to death by Colin James for caught him stealing. Let us collect those yellow flakes from the paper to know more! Sharon Decker - Accidentally pushed off the bridge by her boyfriend Andrew Lodge. Let's task Evie with the thorough study of these letters! Isaac: , someone murdered Clarissa Rochester at a luncheon by slipping poison in her champagne Isaac: The rooftop, you say? And- But an accomplished maid like myself doesn't need to kill for a job! Stockbroken Look sharp, ! Isaac: And you are? Isaac: Alright then. This Court sentences you to twenty years in jail! 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