Over six out of ten secondary teachers (63%) recommended 'establishing smaller classes' (see Table 12). Reported frequency with whichencountered round the school: 39.1 that an LEA/DES/Welsh Office working group should be set up as soon as possible to develop serious incidents reporting systems with the aim of having a pilot system in place by September 1989; (R132.1) and Verbal abuse towards other pupils56(of 1902) LEAs vary greatly in size, but they all have similar functions. We believe that schools should encourage older pupils to take up the responsibility of setting a good example for the rest of the school. The heads and teachers in the schools we contacted for the national survey deserve especial mention. Manchester Polytechnic When he was told he couldn't - he didn't actually swear at the member of staff, he swore in front of her, saying 'shit, fuck'. He served that school and its 'feeder' primary schools. But most of them should apply with equal force to all LEA maintained schools. Chief education officers and headteachers have legal rights to offer advice on appointments. Some persistent absentees may encourage others to follow suit. 3.2 LEAs will provide a range of personnel services including professional advice to governors on appointments and dismissals (see chapter nine), in-service training (see chapters three and four) and staff appraisal (see chapters three and four). No systematic national analysis of the facts about teachers' absence and supply cover is available. Supply teachers are used to replace teachers who are absent or unavailable to teach for a variety of reasons including sickness and in-service training. (S; GS; L; 4.117) APPENDIX F1 Behaviour Policies - Examples from Schools [page 286] [page 68] 114 We noticed considerable differences in the appearance of the schools that we visited. Most pupils walked up to a mile to school, few families had cars and the neighbourhood had a reputation for violence at night: attendance at evening meetings was poor. Such units need a clear rationale, clear criteria for referral, accurate diagnosis of the learning and behavioural difficulties of each pupil, a programme devised to meet these difficulties, and clear targets for the early reintegration of each pupil into mainstream classes. I dont think so. We hope that these concerns will prove to be ill-founded. 'Smaller classes', 'tougher sanctions', 'counselling for pupils' and 'building parental involvement' all received strong support (table not shown). APPENDIX D Table of Contents At some point during the week, then, most teachers said they had had to deal with instances of pupils 'talking out of turn', 'hindering other pupils', engaging in 'calculated idleness or work avoidance' and 'not being punctual'. be prepared for the lesson My friend said No way. Please never leave pupils outside rooms. We consider that the principle of keeping movement between classrooms down to a necessary minimum is valid for all schools; Bad behaviour disrupts these processes. Merit marks are announced during assemblies. Table 4: Secondary teachers' perceptions of the 'seriousness' of discipline problems in their school aggregated to the school level to show variations between schools These range from the use of parent volunteers in primary classrooms to parental contributions to careers education and work experience in the secondary sector. 30.3 that similar procedures should apply in cases where the governing body directs the reinstatement of a permanently excluded pupil against the wishes of the headteacher. 62 In chapter five we recommend that parents should encourage their sons not to behave aggressively. Only in relation to 'verbal abuse' and 'physical aggression' towards themselves were there no substantial differences. Local education services, which include schools and colleges, are controlled by education committees consisting mainly of elected councillors. The statistical associations between, say, particular types of family background and ways of behaving cannot and should not be used to predict the behaviour of any individual pupil. 85 It is not unknown for lower bands or sets to be given the least effective teachers and the worst rooms. Physical destructiveness (eg breaking objects, damaging furniture and fabric)141 ways of talking things through with pupils 'Serious'15 Much of this work is not directly related to behaviour in schools, but two types of project seem to be directly relevant to this enquiry. And as I type the market believes this is all good news. Colleagues are reminded that the Authority asks that the pupils should be given 24 hours notice of a detention and that it should last no longer than one hour. A number of interviewees mentioned the safety aspects of their particular subject as providing a readily understood logic relating to matters of discipline. "168 Thus, the Court in Webster v. Doe looked at the structure of the National Security Act and language allowing the Director of Central Intelligence to terminate an employee as the Director deemed necessary or advisable, and concluded that a court could not, as a general matter, review the necessity or advisability of terminating an employee based on sexual orientation.169 But, as in many other judicial review cases, the Webster Court was very precise as to what review a statute foreclosed. First, the National Curriculum. Physical aggression towards you (the teacher)1.10 14.1 that the Secretaries of State, LEAs and schools should ensure that records of achievement give due weight to a wide range of achievements and personal qualities; (R77) and But in fact the relationship between the availability of unit places and general standards of behaviour in schools is obscure. 8 Behaviour policies need to be monitored and evaluated. One is to institute a private prosecution for common assault. Play Comprehensive School, Nottingham There is however a persistent level of unjustified absence which may take place with parents' knowledge (condoned absence) or without it (truancy). [page 233] We are concerned to find that both on-site and off-site units are often working under great difficulties. Technical Appendices We also welcome a number of government initiatives such as the appraisal of heads and teachers (see chapter four) and the development of records of achievement, work experience schemes and compacts with employers (see chapter six), all of which we believe should help to improve the management of schools and classrooms and the motivation of pupils. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Princeton Similar patterns prevailed with respect to the behaviours listed in Table 2. As one teacher said: 'in this atmosphere, it's hard not to be reasonable' (M 11/6 MPG + incentive allowance English). A number of LEAs told us that they are currently reviewing their arrangements with the aim of providing a more coherent and effective pattern of support for schools and pupils. We can be fairly confident, therefore, that the types of pupil behaviour reported were seen by teachers as being generally representative of their routine classroom experiences. If it still hangs there , it might give a few people a clue that financing a proxy war when you cant really afford it maybe isnt such a good idea. c Estimate. C. DEALING WITH THE PROBLEMS OF DISCIPLINE [page 247] 24 We believe that it would be a disservice to teachers not to highlight their central role in promoting good behaviour in schools and the importance of training in helping them to carry out that role. additional work Ministry of Education and Science, Zoetermeer Charlotte Mason College of Education, Ambleside, Cumbria 66 A positive school atmosphere involves a sense of community. They can also escalate into more serious problems such as fights. set homework regularly to schedule 7 The ratio between the number of pupils and the number of teachers in an LEA (the pupil:teacher ratio or PTR) is often used as a crude indicator of school staffing levels. Most of our secondary sample spent most of their time teaching in the classroom. [page 244] The response to our own survey reveals a general belief in the virtue of reducing class sizes but no indication of what the actual size should be in any circumstances. we try and do is work via the children to try and give their parents more confidence. Physical destructiveness12(of 639) I've got two very strong feelings about school; one is I enjoy my job and I enjoy teaching my subject to the children. One is the positive contribution that they can make to developing and monitoring their school's policy on discipline. (R79) Our impression is that, where they exist, pupils are likely to make responsible use of them. In chapter three we discuss the kind of action that heads and LEAs can take to support teachers in difficulty. It is very important that efforts should be made to maintain good relations and mutual confidence between these two professions. Under LMS, the budget used by LEAs to pay for supply cover will be delegated to schools. It has quite a lot of new and very relevant materialnew to me, at least. F. THE EXPERIENCES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS 24 Our terms of reference mention voluntary bodies. The National Curriculum can be modified for individual pupils with special educational needs. This was especially true of the examples of pupil behaviours that were common to the two lists (in Tables 1 and 2). It points out the problems that can be caused by lack of co-ordination (1) What were primary and secondary teachers' routine experiences of discipline, both in the classroom setting and around the school? CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT We recognise that there are different ways of deploying extra staff. Of those teachers (2440 in all) who reported that they had at least some experience of this pupil behaviour (talking out of turn) 11% reported that this was the most difficult problem they had to deal with whilst a further 4% thought it was the next most difficult. You keep the school clean and tidy so that it is a welcoming place we can all be proud of. West London Institute of Higher Education* Evidence that we received from a number of LEAs suggests that there are striking variations between the exclusion rates of different schools which cannot be explained by differences in catchment area. Mediation It should be noted that, although the pupils who caused the disruptions were almost always described as a small minority of the whole pupil population, the cumulative demands upon teachers' energies were very great. Head-on confrontation is likely to be counter-productive. 144 We believe that parents have a vital role to play in promoting good behaviour in schools. It's not fair on the rest of the school - when I say 'discipline', that is the big problem. English is not the first language for many of our parents. This is where the industrial revolution began in America Eastern Ct, RI, and Southeast Mass. (R128.2) Most of our secondary sample spent most of their time teaching in the classroom. It would make possible the negotiation of local arrangements, which could result in different combinations of teachers and midday supervisors being deployed according to schools' circumstances and needs. [page 246] US Department of Education - Centre for International Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education and Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Washington Catch 'em Young is a scheme which concentrates on pupils who behave badly in their final year of primary school. He said he had a winter house in Florida before or something like that so it didnt surprise me. This chapter deals with their responsibilities for monitoring performance and providing consultancy services. atmosphere of schools and on pupils' behaviour. Okay: Reasons. If the class is asked a question, put up your hand to answer: do not call out (unless you are asked for quick ideas). College of Ripon and York St John, York 6 The Secondary Heads Association provides us with examples of collaborative projects involving schools with other agencies. The incidents have gone down in terms of severity but I think the number is still running, for the number of children we've got, at about the level it always has been. We would rest of the class to resume their concentration on the task in hand. The following example of pupil-pupil violence clearly illustrates this: Strategy or priority for actionSecondary(%)Primary(%)Secondary(%)Primary(%) See also United States v. Fausto, 484 U.S. 439, 463 n.9 (1988) (Stevens, J., dissenting) (Court presumes that "Congress is aware of this longstanding presumption [disfavoring repeals by implication] and that Congress relies on it in drafting legislation."). I just very slowly talked to him and walked up towards him and asked him several times to put it down. The incidence of direct 'physical aggression' towards teachers was extremely rare but about one in eight teachers received 'verbal abuse' at some point during the week. National Association of School Masters/Union of Women Teachers Talking out of turn (eg bymaking remarks, calling out,distracting others by chattering)97(97)69(53) Roughly the same proportion reported in similar terms on their encounters round the school, 'Talking out of turn', 'calculated idleness or work avoidance', 'hindering other pupils' and 'verbal abuse towards other pupils' were reported as being the 'most difficult' behaviours to deal with in the classroom. Mortimore's study of junior schools found that good work and behaviour were not only linked with purposeful leadership by the headteacher but with the active involvement of the deputy head in managing the school. 2) Act 1986; (R137.1) and They may be excluded for a fixed or an indefinite period. These schools encouraged parental involvement in a variety of ways. 12 We recognise that governors will be looking for wide and differing ranges of skills and experience when making these appointments. You are into criminal damage at the moment. 54 The introduction of the National Curriculum will in itself require LEAs to review their provision of off-site units. The issue of principle is about whether corporal punishment is right or wrong. 2) Act 1986 gives LEAs a reserve power to intervene directly in the running of a county or controlled school maintained by them in the event of a breakdown of discipline, or the likelihood of such a breakdown occurring. remove/repair all damage, but, if you cannot, tell the caretaker (3) The 95% confidence intervals surrounding this estimate are plus or minus 0.3%. We believe that the action we suggest earlier in this chapter to improve the public image of teachers and clarify the legal basis of their authority would also improve the morale of the profession. A score of around 2.0 meant that, on average, the teachers from a particular school thought the problems in their school were 'serious' whilst a score of around 4.0 meant that, on the whole, they thought they were 'not at all serious'. It has been estimated that their number has more than quadrupled since 1977 (Graham 1988). The teachers were then approached individually by means of a postal questionnaire. This will often involve the use of an However, experienced staff often pointed out that such exceptional cases had always existed and should not be taken as indicative of a disciplinary crisis. [page 100] That any teachers in the survey should have reported being in receipt of some form of 'physical aggression', either in the classroom or around the school, is clearly a matter of concern. Inter-Diocesan Schools Commission Dr F Merrett Im reminded of the texting culture and how thats supposed to expedite communications, but rather instead destroys the English language cultural bond nuances with its ADD (see what I did there?) Mr Y Yasuhara We are not suggesting that reorganisation schemes which may have major benefits in terms of improving the quality of pupils' education and making it more cost-effective should be abandoned because of such difficulties. We consider it essential that building maintenance should be given adequate priority. Systematic management advice is not readily provided by many LEAs to their schools. We were told that a number of schools already use such agreements and are satisfied with them. We consider that exclusion records should include details of the age, sex and ethnic origin of each of the pupils involved, full details of the reasons for the exclusion and how it was resolved, whether by transfer to another school or unit or home tuition or some other means. 3.2 LEAs will provide a range of personnel services including professional advice to governors on appointments and dismissals (see chapter nine), in-service training (see chapters three and four) and staff appraisal (see chapters three and four). Mr W Rogers In fact, teachers could have to deal with physical aggression in a variety of forms: for example, by interceding in a pupil fight; or by questioning strangers (often in their late teens or early twenties) who entered the school site during the day and might respond in a threatening manner if challenged. Neither the evidence on the 'atypicality' of teachers' experiences nor the open-ended reports are conclusive as regards the full extent of physical violence directed towards teachers in the classroom or around the school. Fewer felt it was 'serious' (11% compared with 16% of secondary teachers) and more were prepared to say it was either 'not at all serious' or 'no problem at all' (51% compared with 31%) (table not shown). We consider that LEAs may also get better value in terms of improving pupils' behaviour out of their educational psychology services if they use them for more general consultancy and in-service training work in schools. The pupil would then be required to attend a school to which the missing signature was a condition for entry. Interpretive methods that emphasize the primacy of text and staying within the boundaries of statutes themselves to discern meaning are textualist. Other approaches, including intentionalism, are more open to taking extrinsic considerations into account. 22 It has been suggested to us that providing more pre-school or nursery education might help to improve children's behaviour in school. If the class cannot be left, send a reliable pupil with a message to a senior member of staff. (R86.5) There is some feeling among classroom teachers that governors may oppose the idea of exclusion in order to avoid the school acquiring 'a bad name', ie a reputation for having pupils whose behaviour is such that they have to be removed. All of these teachers reported that their experiences were 'typical' or 'fairly typical'. clearing litter, cleaning - especially if related to misdeed Three credit marks = one merit mark. 'Muppet Club' Project Can you imagine if a woman had an actual set like that and came to school dressed the same way, sans bra and letting it all hang out? Three out of ten teachers reported that they had found one or more pupil behaviours that they had encountered during the course of their duties round the school 'difficult to deal with' (see Table 5a earlier). Setting is a more common system of grouping pupils. Class sizes ranged from 22 to 30. Dudley 157 The NAHTs representatives told us that, at this stage, they were recommending the use of home-school agreements by schools on a voluntary rather then a statutory basis. Furthermore, although very large numbers of teachers took the opportunity to comment on their experiences in an open-ended way, by no means all will have chosen (or seen fit) to use the space provided to recount their previous experiences of 'violent' incidents. We do not accept, therefore, that a reduction in the number of pupils in all classes across the board would be an appropriate response, even if it were affordable. 1 Throughout this report we argue that there is no single or simple solution to the problem of disruptive behaviour in schools. It seems clear to us that, if an LEA has an active youth service which has a positive educational purpose, its curriculum can reinforce school personal and social education programmes in a number of areas. So does wasted tutorial time. (M 18/18 MPG + incentive allowance special needs) Temporary exclusion from the classroom: a teacher who feels that a pupil is disturbing other pupils or who has behaved unacceptably may be excluded from the lesson or, if the behaviour is more serious, from the remaining lessons of the day. Merit marks are announced during assemblies. If heads and teachers do not open the door to parents and create a welcoming atmosphere for them, they should not be surprised if some parents appear to be indifferent or even hostile when contacts are made. Physical aggression towardsyou (the teacher)1.6(1.1)0(0) This means that testing should provide information about a pupil's achievements in relation to specific learning objectives rather than to the performance of other pupils; that individual pupils' results should only be available to themselves, their parents and teachers, and a Less than 20% requiring medical attention. Ministry of Church and Education, Oslo Professional agreement B.2 Discipline around the school 'Verbal abuse towards other pupils', 'general rowdiness' and 'cheeky or impertinent remarks or responses' were also encountered frequently by both primary and secondary teachers. Its most damaging feature is that teachers who have difficulty controlling classes tend to put this down to personal inadequacy rather that to a lack of particular skills which can be acquired through training or advice from colleagues. The size of the school (as measured by the numbers of pupils on roll or the numbers of teaching staff) did not appear to matter (table not shown). 'Smaller classes', 'tougher sanctions', 'counselling for pupils' and 'building parental involvement' all received strong support (table not shown). 11 Press attention has perhaps understandably highlighted the issue of violence in schools. A form teacher: These formed the basis of all our enquiries. Mr W Rogers Most of the information collected on the backgrounds and circumstances of schools and teachers did not appear to be systematically related to their perceptions about the 'seriousness' of the problems. We discuss the importance of effective communication with parents later in this chapter, and the head's role in relation to the governing body in chapter nine. Alongside 'tougher sanctions' for certain forms of indiscipline, teachers endorsed a wide variety of guidance and support systems both for teachers and pupils as well as more staff discussions and closer links with parents and the community. set high standards of speech, manner and dress 32.1 take the lead in defining the aims of the school in relation to standards of behaviour; (R17.1) More than half of these classes (56%) were grouped by ability in some way (by sets, streams or bands) and three out of four (74%) of these ability groups were of 'below average attainment level compared with other pupils in the school' (tables not shown). Questionnaires returned108325253608 There will be a lot of legal gymnastics to keep Harris from becoming the next marionette in the DC doll house. Best Edited Episode from a Television Series, Best Edited Half Hour Series for Television, Outstanding Editing for a Series - Single Camera Production, Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy Series or a Special, Agamemnon Andrianos, David John West, Ray West and John L. Mack, Agamemnon Andrianos, David John West, Nello Torri and John L. Mack, Agamemnon Andrianos, David John West, Nello Torri and Craig Hunter, Character You'd Pay to Do Your Homework for You, Best Young Actor Starring in a Television Comedy Series, Best Young Actor Guest-Starring in a Drama or Comedy Series, Best Young Actor in a Featured, Co-Starring, Supporting, Recurring Role in a Comedy, Drama Series, or Special, Best Young Actress in a Featured, Co-Starring, Supporting, Recurring Role in a Comedy, Drama Series, or Special, Best Young Actress Starring in a Television Series, Best Young Actor Guest Starring in a Television Series, Best Young Actor Guest-Starring or Recurring Role in a TV Series, Best Young Actress Guest-Starring or Recurring Role in a TV Series, Best Young Actor Recurring in a Television Series, Best Young Actress Guest-Starring in a Television Series, In "Dance With Me", Joe Cocker's cover of ", The episode "Heart of Darkness" had two replacements: ", In the episode "Whose Woods Are These? 36 The details provided by the ILEA system of recording injuries resulting from incidents involving two or more people illustrate the potential value of such records. They are: TIMETABLING, CIRCULATION AND SUPERVISION 27.4 continually observe or 'scan' the behaviour of the class; Now we are talking about a machete. Small groups of us visited a total of 25 schools, teacher training institutions and special units throughout England and Wales. (M 28/20 headteacher) In this one area only we consider that further research would be justified. 22 Poor communication is generally recognised as a feature of bad management. The generally lower incidence of potentially problematic pupil behaviours was reflected in primary teachers' assessments of the 'seriousness' of the situation in their schools. 2.2 lower attendance rates among older secondary pupils. Health and Safety Executive (Education Service Advisory Committee) The CPS will then decide whether or not to prosecute. keep your desk, shelves and cupboards tidy Getting out of seatwithout permission0111(of 1518) Teachers' names were selected at random from staff lists provided by the schools. 6. In this chapter we consider the scope for collaboration between the police and schools on a variety of levels. Norfolk occasioned an important reappraisal among teachers of the coherence of the values and practices of schooling. 52 Where LEAs have support teams, or decide to set them up, it is essential that the team leader should have sufficient status to work effectively with the heads of large secondary schools. Wideopen Middle School, North Tyneside In some cases it can be dangerous. 4 Levels of expenditure on teachers, schools and support services vary considerably between LEAs. CODE OF CONDUCT (M 9/9 MPG + incentive allowance information technology) It includes the ability to relate to young people, to encourage them in good behaviour and learning, and to deal calmly but firmly with inappropriate or disruptive behaviour. Four out of ten (40%) said, for example, that they had no difficult pupils in the classroom setting compared with two out of ten (22%) secondary teachers. Once these The teachers were then approached individually by means of a postal questionnaire. 2) Act 1986, to obtain a report from the headteacher on such matters connected with the discharge of his function as they may require. A score of around 2.0 meant that, on average, the teachers from a particular school thought the problems in their school were 'serious' whilst a score of around 4.0 meant that, on the whole, they thought they were 'not at all serious'. set homework regularly to schedule "[68], In 1997, "My Father's Office" was ranked number 29 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time,[8] and in the 2009 revised list, the pilot episode was ranked number 43. Once this had been achieved lessons were characteristically punctuated by a succession of interruptions as things had to be repeatedly explained or pupils reminded of the rules of the group concerning, for example, gossiping with friends, name calling and safety procedures in laboratories and workshops: Please never leave pupils outside rooms. We consider it essential for governors' annual reports to deal with standards of behaviour, and that this should be a regular item for discussion at annual parents' meetings. The basis for the teachers' authority is commonly understood to be the 'in loco parentis' principle, which gives teachers the same authority over their pupils as parents have over their children. Mr J Rowland Lincolnshire Belgium shut down a nuclear reactor last night during an energy crisis., https://twitter.com/PeterSweden7/status/1573636436405919746. Its advantages would, however, stop there. South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education, Cardiff* We would, however, expect appraisers to consider the headteacher's effectiveness in developing the structures and promoting the atmosphere in which good behaviour is most likely to occur. Building more parental involvement45318468 Asgrow Seed Co. v. Winterboer, 513 U.S. 179, 187 (1995). But it is common practice both in commercial and public sector organisations to use management consultants to identify organisational weaknesses and suggest remedies for them. We received a number of examples of documents outlining such guidance which seemed well thought out. Keeping a pupil orpupils in (ie detention)6717157(of 1645) 'Physical aggression towards other pupils' was also mentioned quite frequently (by 42%). This allows a school to become a mere collection of classrooms. with Justice Scalia's dissenting rejoinder, id. (R29) Northamptonshire The means by which such education could be delivered to this group would need to be considered very carefully. report damage immediately. The emphasis on learning goes some way to explaining the premium placed by many interviewees on talk and interactive activity as a key element in pupils' classroom experience. Table 7: Pupil behaviours secondary teachers reported finding most difficult to deal with around the school. more than one or two classes7 (R124) Overall we found no significant difference between the levels of disruption reported by male and female teachers. We do not doubt that such situations are rare, but where they exist they can continue for years. (GS; L; 6.67) East Anglia University This confirms the picture presented by our other evidence and by research. LEAs should make arrangements to ensure that it is accessible. A considerable number of LEAs sent us examples of the written advice they provide. Even the better teachers, you know, they say, we've got this problem here. Establish your authority firmly and calmly. 1 Throughout this report we argue that there is no single or simple solution to the problem of disruptive behaviour in schools. D. THE CLASSES AND PUPIL BEHAVIOURS SECONDARY TEACHERS FOUND DIFFICULT Aspirational and driven to a fault, the latter cohort wish to prove themselves, if not equal on the social standing, in the able/dependable category. Contrasting disciplinary regimes operate. Teachers expressed concern at the time taken to achieve a decision, and the damage that may result to the pupil concerned or to others if an 'unmanageable' pupil has to remain in school while a decision is being made. We therefore recommend that parents should monitor and, where necessary, restrict their children's access to network, cable, satellite or video material transmitting violent or other antisocial messages. A guy on the show rappelled down a cliff on Oahu and was able to crush the rocks with his hand. 126 Some of our evidence suggests that the organisation of the school day can increase or reduce the chances of pupils misbehaving, particularly in the secondary sector. [page 142] It is very important that the positive aspects of praise and reward should have great emphasis. 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